#[Michael_Beckwitthey’d potentially have analytics in place, plugins that also do analytics like tracking, and even then, simple access logs on the server would have something
#[Jeff_Hawkins]Also, you could point HTTrack at it and then read it locally.
[Rose] joined the channel
#[Michael_Beckwiti guess my question is why the need for so much anonymity
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#[Joe_Crawford]Anonymous browsing using Tor seems apt. The question is what identifiable information trail do you leave which can inferentially point at you. But using Tor would seem to do it. But a VPN and starting new private windows seems the simplest and fastest. But visits by any browser will create record in most web servers.
[schmarty], jamietanna, [tantek], [yo], gRegorLove_, [calumryan], [snarfed], [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [AlisonW] and gRegorLove joined the channel