#wordpress 2020-03-15

2020-03-15 UTC
bradleyallen, [jgmac1106], alina, gRegorLove, cal, [KevinMarks], [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], [Ana_Rodrigues], [Dan_Q], [barryf], [Anna_Dodson], [calumryan], [Murray], [eddie], [suze_shardlow1], TroyDiscord[m] and doubleloop joined the channel
GWG: I've been playing around with posse'ing to meetup via bridgy, and put a pull request in to syndication links with a meetup provider..
It all seems to work OK for me but let me know whether it's the right way to go about it or not
I will have a look
doubleloop: For a Bridgy provider, looks good
chrisaldrich, [Ana_Rodrigues], [chrisaldrich] and [Dan_Q] joined the channel
[Dan_Q]: Can you describe your solution
[calumryan] joined the channel
It's all very prototypey/experimental, and my goal isn't actually post-kinds-for-Gutenberg (that's just a side-effect) because I've got OTHER Gutenberg-unfriendly plugins too! My goal, though, is to outsource microformats-stuff to my theme and just use post-kinds for the backend interface.
That said, here's what I've been doing:
* Writing a Gutenberg meta-widget for selection of post kinds. I first just set 'show_in_rest' and 'hierarchical' to get Category-style "checkboxes" with which to specify the "kind" of a post, but then started working on a "proper" meta box to give me a drop-down. Then I broke it.
* Started making "blocks" for different functions; the first one I'm looking at is for citing/embedding; the idea being that you can e.g. make a post of kind "reply-to" and then add a "cite" block to it, containing the stuff you're replying "to" as a blockquote (optionally empty, I suppose) and the relevant metadata (right now it's only static; I've not made a form yet because I'm very new to React).
For many purposes the ultimate solution here would be _harder_ for authors than the current approach, but would allow e.g. replies that cite multiple sources, for example. Webmention still seems to work regardless (it doesn't care).
I'm going to step back and think about it a bit, and perhaps do a bit more prototyping, but I think there's eventually something workable here.
[Dan_Q]: I have had trouble with figuring it out also
I am working on some backend changes
I am separating out some code and expanding the endpoints
I'm going to keep an eye out for upcoming Gutenberg-blocks-related work at my "day job" that I can volunteer myself for, so that I've got an excuse to learn it properly.
[Dan_Q]: I just like PHP
I am not as enthused about react
Nor me. It feels somebody like all the worst bits of Javascript and squished them into a single file.
Simple Location or Syndication Links are probably the most likely to convert first
IMHO, of course. I know many people love it.
[Dan_Q]: What features of Post Kinds most appeal?
I am trying to make some backend changes, want to keep the frontend in mind
I just love being able to differentiate my different types of content in a meaningful way (while keeping them all fundamentally "posts") in a microformats-friendly way! I'm among the folks who care more about the backend, too.
I've added three kinds Collection, Comic and Review to my copy.
(and then I've written a snippet that I use when posting reviews to add the relevant "star rating" microformat)
I always considered the post post type to be h-entry
In the latest iteration of Post 9, I added a fields class to autogenerate new Post kind UIs based on a property array
^ that's both a h-entry and a h-review, and includes a p-rating and a h-card (with name, address, lat and long) for the "thing" being reviewed ^
Post Kinds
I do love location aware posts
Ooh, I like that! (autogenerated new UIs)
[carolgilabert] joined the channel
Me too. Many of my posts are "checkins" used to represent geocaching finds or geohashing adventures.
Have you tried my location plugin?
No, unfortunately the time I first heard about it I'd already come up with my own metadata schema for locations, and I haven't had the time or energy to think about migration!
It doesn't do geohashing specifically, but it does work for adding locations to a post
[Dan_Q]: I use the WordPress standard ones
geo_latitude, geo_longitude, geo_address
Shows what I know: I didn't know there were standard ones!
I adddd in the html5 geolocation properties as well
[suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
I am overdue to upgrade though
There's a proposal to bring back storing structured location for querying
I have a lot of great backend projects held back by frontend concerns
I have to review doubleloop's PR and a bug opened on Simple Location
And maybe I may release an update to Post Kinds with the new parser.
I also have to decide if I am going to pursue the citation avenue further.
I wrote the code to split out the h-cite into it's own post type
Similar to an attachment or the old link table
[Anna_Dodson] joined the channel
[Dan_Q]: Responses to treating them this way is mixed
[snarfed], cal, sknebel, GWG, [dem_cx], [fluffy], [LewisCowles], IWSlackGateway, sebsel, [Cheuk_Cherrie], [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [aaronpk], gRegorLove and simons joined the channel