#wordpress 2020-04-03

2020-04-03 UTC
[tantek], petermolnar, gRegorLove_, sscarfe, varun1, [KevinMarks] and computer2000 joined the channel
hey guys, I'm trying to hook up gatsbyjs with wordpress, how do you usually host your local wordpress install for local development?
sscarfe, Main, [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], jamietanna, [grantcodes] and [Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
local by flywheel
Morning, [Michael_Beckwi] Any fun Friday projects?
some more documentation migration work and some ongoing javascript education are the most fun things i have on my work forecast today
jeremycherfas joined the channel
I love documentation.
this is mostly just moving what we already have typed up off of Helpscout Docs and into at least a location that we still have control over. Next will be redirecting old urls to new
[tantek], IWSlackGateway1, [snarfed], sscarfe, [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106] and [Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: I have to make some major changes in Post Kinds about media handling.
Things like that duplication problem don't sound easy either given that there are so many quirks within particular themes.
One you might want to consider as well is for bigger/common sites like YouTube which can do oEmbed and only show just the video (with the oEmbed option chosen in the Post Kinds settings), but often may make more sense to also use some of the parsed data you find via Parse this to add titles, descriptions, etc.
Ideally big sites wouldn't frequently change their set ups to cause breaking changes though...
Will see what comes out
I disabled the KSES stuff ages ago to give me more context control for things like that, but it can be more manual work on some sites. Fortunately a lot of your parsing work recently has made it much easier.
Are you familiar with youtube_dl?
gRegorLove, [snarfed], [kimberlyhirsh] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Yes, though most of my use is via Huffduffer. Haven't used it directly in quite a while.
What is youtube_dl?
It looks like we don't have a page for "youtube_dl" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "youtube_dl is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I looked at how it reads Youtube pages.
And other video sites.
Makes it easier to get the different available formats.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
What is youtube dl?
youtube-dl is a command line program written in Python to download video and audio from popular video and audio hosting and streaming sites, such as YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud https://indieweb.org/youtube-dl
I was just looking at some of the other sites it handles, and it's created some potential new itches....
[jacky] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: I noticed the other sites when I was looking at how they get metadata
bicicleta, jamietanna, defendthecommons, [Joe_Masilotti], [snarfed], [chrisaldrich] and [fluffy] joined the channel; bicicleta left the channel