#wordpress 2020-04-13

2020-04-13 UTC
zerotex, oedmarap, shimmy1996, [LewisCowles] and beko joined the channel
prtksxna it renders shortcodes. The part that is broken seems to be the block surround. But if I additionally have it render the CSS & JS from shortcodes, then one problem is that it additionally redirects infinitely on 5.4+
@GWG I can test if you like. Is it GitHub?
[LewisCowles]: Do you use Simple Location?
petermolnar joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: I pretended to be at the site of IWC London, and it seems to work.
is it basically installing that and a sister plugin?
No sister plugin
I'm about to release 4.0.6, which includes it.
GWG has 57 karma in this channel over the last year (139 in all channels)
[LewisCowles]: Simple Location is an odd labor of love for me
all my WP work, and much of my OpenSource work are odd labours of love
[LewisCowles]: Location and weather is an interesting thing to obsess about
Do you have a post on that?
Especially when I see neither
[LewisCowles]: Which that?
I'd enjoy reading more about why people care about those two things
[prtksxna] joined the channel
location & weather
I have written a few things about it.
Last night, I wrote a lot about Weather APIs
I found it and was spelunking through the menu system
Menu system?
navigating from https://david.shanske.com/ to try to find. Curiously posts doesn't link to /all, but the side-bar does. Was that a deliberate choice?
getting to `/all` was how I found which kind you'd used
I probably need to redesign it a bit
I really liked the design. That searching for /all was the only thing I didn't understand
and it was likely me being a doof
Well, I had a few iterations and realized a few weeks ago that I didn't update the menu to reflect them
question regarding https://maps.wikimedia.org/img/osm-intl,12,51.5638,0.5232,1024x576@3x.png I get a 429. Are there instructions I'm missing to display these?
No. The link worked for me.
Given that it always 429 on my site, but never in it's own tab. I feel like this might be an erroneous HTTP code
I'll work it out
Tell me if I can fix anything
Cool plugin btw
Again, labor of love
I can't work out why it's not loading, but it's likely something my fault or dreamhost fault
it's on my testing site.
I probably have a content security policy I've forgotten the location of
Did you try one of the others?
I have not yet. I'm actually thinking of a tiny plugin to get the image and save it to my site, so that it severs the onward chain to the map provider
[LewisCowles]: Wikimedia is the only one whose terms of service allow that
The others, regrettably don't.
Which is a shame, because I like having an icon to show the location on the map
TBH, as long as I'm isolating it on my site, I don't care about their terms of use 😛
esp if it's offloading from their servers
> The immediate change we made was to drop cache misses from 3rd parties, but
> to keep serving the tiles that are in cache. This lessens our loads without
> the few 3rd parties who are using our service.
> turning 3rd party support off entirely, but is understandably confusing to
GWG: There might be some changes to 3rd party support for WMF’s tileservers some time in the not so far future
[prtksxna]: Oh?
The Wikimedia Maps endpoints were hard enough to find documentation on.
Yeah the servers haven’t been in good shape, and there hasn’t been a team dedicated to maintaining them in a long time
Well the last time the team was just one person anyway, so…
Where do they get the data from is what interests me
Ruxton joined the channel
You can run your own server
I looked at that
But the data storage requirements are a pain
Dreamhost... unlimited storage 😛
Yeah, you could serve your own vector tiles. MapBox has some good open source tools for it, but it isn’t straightforward (from what I hear)
+ I'm a data hoarder so I have 64TB and climbing
what's a few more drives
I think even Dreamhost would balk at a 40GB dataset
> Basic requirements for a render node:
> 80 GB RAM (at least; better 128 GB);
Well I'm out. 80GB disk I'll scoff at. 80GB RAM, GTFO
Haha 😂
Vector tiles might have a lower requirement, since the render will happen client side
I actually bought a box with > 128GB RAM last year so I could "run experiments". It's been so depressing how a bell curve works
My next location update will be to use PWS data
I finally got my own accessible in XML and json
gRegorLove__, nickodd and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Sorry, what is PWS?
to me it's pivotal web services, but I doubt that was the meaning
[prtksxna] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I think he means his Personal Weather Station 🙂
[grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[prtksxna]: Correct
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Ah. prtksxna++
prtksxna has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
Here is an example of a PWM I run. Not at my house. https://presidential.shanske.us/
I have a barometer that I need to install there
[prtksxna] joined the channel
That is so… serious looking!
It looks cool, but I've no idea the application of the data. Do you donate it to other groups, or use it to campaign for better air quality? Is there an end-goal?
[LewisCowles]: I don't monitor air quality...yet
I upload to various weather services
But I also monitor planes over that residence, for no particular reason. https://presidential.shanske.us/flymsv/
If you look, JetBlue Airways is sending a plane to be parked in the desert.
GWG: Ooh that is really cool, my dad really wants to run one of those
[prtksxna]: I run two. That is upstate NY
I also run one in Queens.
Along with my other weather station
I know how I want to integrate the weather stations.
But I'm not sure how I might integrate the ADS-B tracker
What are your plans for the weather stations?
Maybe have shadows of planes on your site if they go overhead 😄
Very DHTML 😛
[Suw] joined the channel
Hi folks! So, [KevinMarks] suggested that I join here, in the hope you’ll be able to help me out with a Wordpress question I have.
Hi, [Suw]
The situation is that I have about a half dozen or more blogs (I’ve lost count) that are spread out over about four domains, with some of those blogs being in subdomains. What I’d like to do is to amalgamate them all into Wordpress Multisite, with each blog getting its own domain or subdomain, as it already does.
This is mainly so that we can more easily keep an aye on things. I used to blog a lot, but don’t do it so much anymore so things can go south without me noticing.
[Suw]: That is doable.
I haven't done a multisite in a while, but it has gotten a lot easier.
Copying the content into Multisite seems easy enough - there are cloning tools.
the question I’m not so clear on is whether we can keep all the domain names the same as they are now.
so, for eg. we have charman-anderson.com, which has suw. and kevin. as subdomains, and all three have individuals blogs right now. I also have chocolateandvodka.com and clwbmalucachu.co.uk. Now, if I move those all into separate child sides within the multisite, can I maintain the different domains? so that they all look like different sites?
I don’t want to get way into moving everything over only to discover the domains won’t behave the way I’d like them to!
there is a sunrise.php which allows exactly this multi-domain mapping
Thank you, I shall take a look.
I need to set up a test multisite for the Indieweb stuff
multi-site has 1 karma over the last year
[snarfed] joined the channel
I was very impressed poking around WordPress it's scheduler now has a UI I don't remember installing. WooCommerce seemed more helpful. I like how 2020 theme looks
ok, right, just so that I’ve got this straight - I just create the multisite and copy over all the content, and then use Sunrise to do the domain mapping?
(I am so out of practice with all this stuff!)
Yes. You should be able to import/export
I’ll hopefully have time to have a stab at this later, and am sure I’ll screw up and will be back to beg for help 😉
[Michael_Beckwi] and bicicleta__ joined the channel
GWG: Does the Post Kinds plugin take over posts coming from Micropub and format them properly?
If it can figure out the microformats, why?
I was just wondering how we’d do this with Gutenberg…
It figures out the microformats and then takes over?
[prtksxna]: Block parsing can be replaced/supplemented. But it's a challenge
GWG: Could you point me to the part of the code that does this?
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[prtksxna]: That maps micropub to post kinds?
[bonkerfield] and nickodd joined the channel
Thanks GWG! So it puts it in the correct Post Kind, but doesn’t really do anything to the content.
nickodd left the channel
[prtksxna]: Not at the moment, but I unhook the content parsing Micropub would do otherwise.
GWG: What does it attempt to do?
Which it?
it = Micropub content parsing
It marks up the properties and adds them to the content
If Post Kind is enabled, it stores them in Post Meta
Both are set to change
Oh so Post kind puts stuff in Post Meta too? Not just in the content?
What changes are you thinking of?
Post Kinds puts everything in content dynamically. It stores everything in post meta
Micropub, if Post Kind isn't installed, does both, which means you could change the markup in the Post Editor
The Gutenberg solution might be to parse microformats using the block parser
> Micropub…does both…
Both as in save in meta and put in content?
Right, yeah. It could continue saving things to Post Meta as you already are
[snarfed] joined the channel
Yes, but if you change the content, it doesn't change the post meta, and vice versa
There's an issue open about this
Gutenberg doesn’t? It would depend on how the Block is setup, I suppose.
[KevinMarks] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Having looked into it a while ago I think it should be possible for mf2 to be stored in blocks no problem.
But there are normally hidden properties that would need to be meta like visibility, post status etc...
[prtksxna]: The plugins don't
[grantcodes]: There is a block parser you could hook into to parse microformats into blocks
If we wanted to go down as low as possibility.
Yeah it should be possible to do in both directions
The reason for meta is being able to search properties.
But we may have to get rid of that and switch to parsing mf2 into blocks
So, Post Kinds stores in post meta and renders properties on the fly. It considers the content in a post object to equal e-content
Micropub stores in post meta, but if Post Kinds or a mf2 enabled theme(set by flag) is not enabled, it renders the mf2 properties and saves them in post meta, wrapping the original content in e-content, which causes an issue if your theme wraps the_content in e-content
Thanks for the background on all this GWG! 🙏 I am just starting to get into Gutenberg and this is really helpful for me to think about IndieWeb plugins 🙂
Would love some ideas
I'm working on redoing the Post Kinds data and endpoints, as Gutenberg is very resty
[jgmac1106], jamietanna, [KevinMarks], sscarfe, [schmarty], [LewisCowles], [snarfed], [bonkerfield], [grantcodes], [Cheuk] and [Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel