#wordpress 2020-04-18

2020-04-18 UTC
gRegorLove, [snarfed], [Aaron_Klemm], [fluffy], [grantcodes], jeremych_, jamietanna, [schmarty], hllooooo23, [kimberlyhirsh], [chrisaldrich], [LewisCowles] and SpencerDub joined the channel; en3r0 left the channel
Good morning, IndieWeb! I just made a WordPress post using Post Kinds, and the author details weren't saved. Now when I edit it and try to save the author name, it doesn't register when I save the post. Does anyone have a workaround for getting the author name to properly save?
bicicleta__ joined the channel
SpencerDub: I really need to fix that
It's a bug
Roger that. Thanks for the quick response. :)
SpencerDub: I have a big update that I keep adding onto
New Parsing options, new UI options, etc
bishop_bautista and [tantek] joined the channel
hm. I checked for some sort of training post kind and found exercise on the wiki. Found nothing in post-kinds settings so I checked how to add my own and when I finished crafting my register_post_kinds snippet I found the existing one that is just disabled from showing in settings. There are many more. And now I really wonder why GWG :D
enables also 'trip'
Reserved for future use, no current UI
seems to work okayish as long as there is a title and some content. url is not required.
gRegorLove joined the channel
beko: I have a schema like system planned
petermolnar, [fluffy] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
For those looking at delving into JavaScript/React for WordPress, Saied Abassi just gave an interesting overview of what is going on and some tooling in the last half an hour at WCSCV: https://2020.santaclarita.wordcamp.org/session/php-vs-javascript/
The video is on YouTube ATM and you can scroll back 44 minutes to see the whole thing. https://2020.santaclarita.wordcamp.org/live/bonelli-stadium/
There isn't any code in it, but he gives an interesting high level overview for breaking things down to make potentially tinkering and flattening the learning curve.
I'm not sure how deep you're into any of it GWG, but you might find it useful.
I might... but I have JavaScript reluctance
We all do because the learning curve seems so steep. Saied breaks it down in a way so as to make it not seem so insurmountable.
He also has some interesting tooling references which might make some of the WP REST API stuff you've been tinkering with easier...
What is Frontity?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Frontity" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Frontity is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Will see, working on my kitchen
Ha! I was watching sessions to get away from my kitchen for a while.
Well, I am spending a lot more time in there.
Well, not now...I just mopped the floor