2020-05-01 UTC
jgmac1106, [schmarty], dopplergange, [jgarber], wagle, nickodd, [jeremycherfas], [Arne], [jansauer], gRegorLove, jeremych_, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [snarfed] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# GWG [pfefferle]: Anything going on Indieweb themed?
# [pfefferle] mostly my theme… and I am thinking about the microformats merge of WM
# GWG [pfefferle]: The latter is a topic I want to invest time in
# GWG As you know, spent a lot of time thinking about how that would work
# GWG [pfefferle]: Okay. I think we have basic needs and stretch goals
# GWG [pfefferle]: You saw comment type conversion is landing in 5.5?
# GWG Step 1 for custom comment types was this issue
# GWG SimplePie also just finally got updated in 5.5 as of today
# GWG [pfefferle]: How are you thinking we move forward with webmentions?
# GWG My original thought was add PHP-MF2...done
# GWG Add pre-processing to extract representative item and author.
# GWG And then implement post type discovery per the PTD algorithm
# GWG [pfefferle]: I thought about that.
# GWG I can take a go at brainstorming it
# GWG Never used a project. WIll give it a shot.
[LewisCowles], [Rose], [tantek], jamietanna, dopplergange, jeremycherfas, beko, crazed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel