ozysimpsonHowdy, I have just registered a domain and i would like to map it to free wordpress blog that i have been running for some time now, could someone please help me how to do the same? I have registered a domain through bigrock.com; I could find an option to forward domain to different address but unfortunately it's not showing up as https any help highly appreciated
ozysimpsonHowdy, I have just registered a domain and i would like to map it to free wordpress blog that i have been running for some time now, could someone please help me how to do the same? I have registered a domain through bigrock.com; I could find an option to forward domain to different address but unfortunately it's not showing up as https any help highly appreciated. Sorry if this is wrong channel for my question
bekoozysimpson: *uhm* sounds like a highly specific question depending on your service/hosting provider. This usually involves mapping a domain to an IP adress (usually an A or CNAME record at least) and configuring the target (your wordpress) to listen for this domain. I know neither bigrock nor your wp hoster so can't be more specific :/
bekomost providers do this for you but in your case you purchased that domain from another provider so the leg work will be on you :/
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