#wordpress 2020-07-23

2020-07-23 UTC
[chrisaldrich], kupad, ndegruchy, beko, nickodd, [tantek], [tw2113], gRegorLove, [pfefferle], [KevinMarks], souramoo, [grantcodes] and [Erik] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Is there a preferred plugin for posting from WP to twitter? I'd like to share photos -with- alt text.
[Erik]: Not specifically...there are many different ones
[pfefferle] joined the channel
twitter has an official one
[Rose] joined the channel
They do? I'll try and find it
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
looking for a wordpress chat room plugin....do not want people making another account. needs to work for logged in WP users...will not use BuddyPress...recommendations?
The official Twitter plugin doesnt seem to do images.
Erik and if you use the IndieWeb plugins does the alt text nto get included
ndegruchy joined the channel
With Syndication links? I'm looking at that now
My little one is asking more attention that I hoped, no luck so far.
(*than I hoped)
[Erik]: Syndication Links uses Bridgy, so you'd have to check how it handles alt text
It could be extended to integrate with any plugin
Will do. Bridgy might be an option
[arush] joined the channel
Richie will pass alternative text to Twitter. I'm replying from my watch, so I haven't read this entire thread. But, the handling of alternative text is one of the reasons why I stick with it as opposed to another syndication option.
If not....I keep thinking about offering a native Twitter solution via something else
Bridgy Will also pass alternative text to mastodon I believe. I’m not sure about get hub, because I don’t know how well it actually supports alternative text.
OK, I read back to the beginning of this thread. Eric, if you want to share images with alternative text to twitter from WordPress, I would recommend using syndication lakes wich uses Bridgy. The official Twitter plug-in would probably be easier to set up, but I don’t believe it supports alternative text at this point. I have no idea whether or not they plan on adding it.
Indieweb cares more about accessibility than Twitter in my experience.
[Zegnat], [schmarty] and [manton] joined the channel
And indeed, don't get me started on Twitter accessibility 😄
Jibbles, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], nickodd, [michael_lewis], [fluffy], [benatwork], TakeV, TakeV1, jamietanna, [tantek], [grantcodes], [schmarty], bishop_bautista, [Will_Monroe] and ndegruchy__ joined the channel; nickodd left the channel