#@benUNC@erikkroes Most of the click-to-tweet plugins out there (mine included) use the web intents API, and there's no way to natively send an image at all over that, unless you are retweeting a tweet with an image in it. To my knowledge theres no way over that particular API to add alt text. (twitter.com/_/status/1286701355080482816)
#sknebel[Erik]: that's specifically about the web intents, which you'd use for a public "share this article" link under a post etc
#sknebel(tbh I didn't even know you could post images with that at all)
#bekoOn Micropub Update 2.2.0: What does this mean for me as a user? "Remove IndieAuth Client code, will now require the IndieAuth or other plugin that does not yet exist."?
#GWGbeko: Do you have the IndieAuth plugin installed?i
#bekoGWG: I do but still 3.4.2 as 3.5.0 suggests breaking changes and I was not sure about it's impact. Was going to upgrade eventually with time and a backup at hand
#bekoI'm also using Yarn and I think it has duplicate code on the matter
#bekoah… as in status/feed updates. Sorry, that's probably influenced slang from Monitoring where a beat is some sort of status update
#GWGI have things I might propose for Yarns when his schedule frees up
[KevinMarks], [mapkyca], bishop_bautista, [manton], cn1, [chrisaldrich], jamietanna, [schmarty], ndegruchy, [Rose], [tantek], jamietanna1, nickodd and [eddie] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
#[chrisaldrich]I just rolled back to IndieAuth 3.4.2 and can confirm that Quill will work again (with the newest Micropub update), so it's likely something hiding in IndieAuth.
#[chrisaldrich]Let me see if one of the old tokens with the webhooks I created works...
#GWGI really need the server error log to figure out what it might be
#[chrisaldrich]nothing big under site health other than that I need to bump up to the newest version of WordPress and I have a few old themes/inactive plugins that need to be removed....