#wordpress 2020-08-01

2020-08-01 UTC
[tw2113] joined the channel
any plugins needing any sort of attention? I have some time tonight that i can check on things etc
[tw2113]: All of them?
works for me
git fetching all the ones i have locals of so i have current code 😄
I always have dozens of things that I want to do
pfefferle and I have been working on a major rewrite of webmentions to deprecate Semantic Linkbacks
It's new parsing code we're working on right now... which is a hard piece.
The new version adds completely new mf2 code and two different fallbacks
It adds a simple custom comment type registration feature.
The comment type registration would allow for a custom template handler for each type.
[arush] joined the channel
Evening all. Just decompressing from the latest round of Gutenberg arguments by playing with Indieweb stuff. Also I'm pretty excited because my biggest client wants to go full indieweb with their site, specifically, using it to be the primary point for all of their social media stuff. So Posse, but for a larger scale org.
Hi, [arush]
that should be an awesomely fun project [arush]
GWG finally managed to get my git copy of indieweb-post-kinds matching…realized you renamed master to trunk 😄
@tw2013 yeah it kind of dovetails with getting post kinds working with Gutenberg since they unfortunately really love GB, but I think we'll figure it out. I still can't wrap my head around starting a post and then choosing a post kind block, but it looks like that's pretty much how you have to do it. And of course Indieweb gets the fruits of the labor. I'm just glad a client asked for it.
i spent my own time in gutenberg dev today, but that was mostly around getting a dropdown to store post IDs that then save for me to use elsewhere
[tw2113] joined the channel
I still stubbornly avoid Gutenberg
i don’t blame ya
outside of the repo owner and the repo name, I am failing to see how this on-hover popup adds anything of value https://cloudup.com/cgMPqUPnn6L
will have to click the link to see it full sized
bishop_b_ joined the channel
otherwise, we already have the issue open date, the issue title, and the issue number without hover
@gwg I completely understand stubbornly avoiding Gutenberg. I personally hate it and I hate using it. It's an efficiency vampire if nothing else.
the sort of odd part is that I want to love it and adore it, but i’m not there thus far
For me, I would rather iterate on Micropub and get some good clients
if anything, an extension plugin that i bought named Iceberg has me enjoying it slightly more, because i can write up posts in markdown 😄
Yeah @tw2013 I'd love to be able to adore it too. And it would be so much easier to adore it if they had just done this as a true native application instead of trying to be Microsoft Word except in a browser.
GWG are you fine with a PR to turn the markup for the “Parse This Debugger” to match other WordPress settings pages?
[tw2113]: Yes....you know it has its own repo, right?
Also, I was thinking of moving it to Tools from IndieWeb
Yeah @gwg I'd rather see micropub take over everything with good clients too.
Tools menu makes sense
[tw2113]: Yes.
It's a dependency of two projects
Yeah I think PT should be in tools. I thought it already was?
[arush]: It's in the Indieweb menu
The new Webmentions debugger is in Tools. pfefferle suggested it.
i think there was an older feature from years ago named Parse This that was part of core
[tw2113]: That was Press This.
Thus the name of my library
I started with the parsing code from Core that was removed.
I chucked a lot of it
But some of the sanity checks I still use
Parse This is my obsessive attempt to bridge everything to jf2
[tw2113]: It is mostly used for debugging why a website produces no response in Post Kinds or Yarns
makes sense
bishop_b_ joined the channel
Twitter broke it, for example
They no longer include the text of the tweet in the HTML
So, if I want to bring that back, I'd have to require an API key
silly silo
Well, I like the idea that you don't need API keys to use Parse This.
So, I debated how I would handle an extension that supported API keys
i’ll be right back, need to switch computers off of my work computer
nickodd, Oclair_, [fluffy], vika_nezrimaya, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /Template:WordPress (+76) "Added Mastodon POSSE Plugin"
(view diff)
nickodd, [tb], [KevinMarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I've started the zoom room for Getting Started with WordPress, an IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session. The etherpad and zoom link are on the page: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/08/getting-started-with-wordpress-an-indiewebcamp-pop-up-session-GsrFJw7ltLd2 We'll be starting in about 15 minutes.
ndegruchy joined the channel
bishop_b_, [Chaitanya], [KevinMarks] and Toomim joined the channel; ndegruchy and nickodd left the channel