#wordpress 2020-08-06

2020-08-06 UTC
dougbeal|mb1, [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], bishop_bautista, beko, nickodd, [KevinMarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG I think you missed to checking the `emoji-detector.inc.php` for the php scoper
fixed it 🙂
[jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks] and [Rose] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I see you are working on it
[pfefferle] joined the channel
We have a lot of code now and it was really hard to debug stuff
I would love freeze for now and fix tests and simplify the code a bit
we should discuss what to do if author is empty
most of the tests now fail because of a missing author
That's the question...is an author critical for a mention
we should at least add “anonymous” or the domain name
as a fallback
but this shouldn’t be done by the handler
Pretty sure that my installation does not send out Webmentions any more for like 6 days and I have no idea what setting to switch to get any debug on this :( All mentions and syndications were done manually. Looks like something is clogged. cron list seems fine but I can not see any webmention related job in it. Any pointers?
[michael_lewis] joined the channel
[dshanske] I would also like to keep out the complete extra stuff like categories and syndication links and location
I know that you use these items for your plugins, but not all do, so I would keep the default meta-data low to not spam DBs
[pfefferle]: Okay, can we add filters then at this or a later stage?
And I would like to fokus on a filter system, so that other plugins can add these informations if they need them
yes, exactl
and the filter gets the represantative item and the raw for example
nickodd joined the channel
beko is your cron running
it is
feeling is more that the jobs are not generated/added
When WP attempted a pingpack I can see this in the post details. I'
d love to see this for Webmentions too
do you have a plugin to view the crons
it's external and sits in crontab all two minutes */2
can you list them with the cli?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
ah, it hooks to the webmention event
I mean pingback event
have you disabled sending pingbacks?
we shoudl decouple this 😞
Neat - so that should fire. They are enabled.
I see an 'Already pinged:' (not for comments tho). I guess I'll have to enable debug and check that hook. Something is off.
[manton] and [MitchWagner] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: no idea. Tried to track it and of course it works just like a charm today: https://beko.famkos.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/track_wp_cron_events.gif
[Murray] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I just wanted to get everything in there, but you are right... let's simplify and have some things handled by extension
at least for the start
we add more and more but nothing seems to get finished
so I would focus on the integration of the handlers
and then on the display part
and then we can add fancy stuff
I think we should rethink the structure of the item a bit
and then pass it to the handler
bishop_bautista, Frosti, [tw2113], [Chaitanya] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Looks like Automattic is going deeper on P2 and product-izing it: https://wordpress.com/p2/
i’m just glad you said Automattic and not “WordPress” 😄
gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
created /WordPress_mf2_feed_plugin (+44) "r to existing redlink from [[WordPress/Plugins]]"
(view diff)
[manton] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
created /WordPress_Microformats2_Plugin (+27) "redirect to existing plugin page"
(view diff)
[Chaitanya] joined the channel
GWG: The syndication links plugin is posting the words "Syndicated to" alongside the main post content on Mastodon.
The plugin doesn't post anything...Bridgy does that....it looks at your markup
I can tell you how to fix it
Which theme m
Ohhh, sorry. SemPress
Yes, it needs to be modded
It's a common problem
should I move the syndication-links div outside the entry-content to something like entry-footer?
jamietanna joined the channel
[Chaitanya]: Yes, exactly
Otherwise Bridgy will include it as content
bonus points Chaitanya if you submit the change to the github repo...
[snarfed] joined the channel
I just found out in the plugin file where it gets added to the_content, now I am wondering what to change that doesn't break other things 😅
[Chaitanya]: The readme says how to add it to a theme without editing the plugin
Yes, I just realised that and completed that setup. BIG LESSON: Always read the FAQ/ReadMe.
Thank you so much!
[schmarty] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I try.
[tw2113] joined the channel