#wordpress 2020-08-17

2020-08-17 UTC
beko, justache and nickodd joined the channel
I just added Hum URL Shortener integration into Post Kinds, to change the prefix based on the Post Kind.
[Rose], jeremych_, [Ana_Rodrigues], floridafruitgeek and [tonz] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Ah, yes, I wondered about that, as some of the icons became huge all of a sudden as well, and there was this HR kind of line. Sempress then, ok, I’ll have a look where I could re-add that before/after preference, and hard-code it into my child theme.
[tonz]: I am going to take his suggestion and add a way for themes to use or disable the feature
[tb], nickodd, [schmarty], [snarfed], [kodepoeten], [chrisaldrich], [Morgan_F] and [manton] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Do you use Hum?
nickodd left the channel
GWG, I've thought about it, but don't really have a solid reason for using/needing it...
I think when I looked at it last (about 4 years ago) it didn't seem clear how to set it up...
[chrisaldrich]: It's a set it and forget it if you don't want a second domain for it, if you do, you just need anything sent to the short domain to redirect to the full one and it will handle it
when you say you changed the prefix for post kinds, does that mean something like /r/ for read posts and /b/ for bookmarks?
[chrisaldrich]: b is for blog
t is for text
There's an article on it
It wasn't Post Kinds aware
It might be worth it for some of my wiki related bits which do have some much longer URLs than my personal website.
That's w
For wiki
I am curious what 2020 [tantek] has to say
But I just did it because it was easy and I already had Hum in
Not that anyone noticed.. which is good because that means it worked
I take it that you didn't change posts retroactively? https://di5.us/b/sF
[David Shanske] I’m feeling more relaxed already.
What is Hum?
Hum is an open source personal URL shortener for WordPress https://indieweb.org/Hum
and Hum was updated 4 days ago... I presume that may have been you with the Post Kinds bits GWG?
[snarfed] joined the channel
or maybe it was just a bump to 5.5...
[chrisaldrich]: No, Pfefferle just adding compatibility
My bits are in Post Kinds
And not deployed to .org yet
The plugin has a filter I hooked int
Just twenty lines of logic
skippy1 and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, what is your question?
[tantek]: Has your thinking on this changed since last update?
Specifically the under consideration section?
GWG, please expand your question to a specific question.
A letter for metrics, and scrobbles/watching/etc
Have you revisited those ideas?
Also, do you think Twitter expanding their character limit has limited the attention shorteners get?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gwg how can I fix these icons in the sidebar: http://tech-4-teens.club/posts/ the css is inline so changes do not do anything
There is little inline css..the svg is inline
a little inline css is too much...I scrolled up and saw others already pointed out the problem
GWG, sorry I'm still unable to parse what you're saying. Can you ask a question as a complete self-contained question phrased as a single sentence?
[jgmac1106]: I put it in due the fatwagoo problem...but maybe I need a better solution
[tantek]: You note in http://tantek.pbworks.com/w/page/21743973/Whistle#design that you have several changes under consideration. Are you still considering them?
Specifically in the section that says Under Consideration
Those are the ones that map to what I am looking at in the Whistle clone for WordPress, willnorris's Hum
I may be phrasing it poorly
gRegorLove joined the channel
GWG, yes those changes and more. TBH I need to reconcile those Whistle design notes with my latest thinking on /Falcon#Working_On
And latest thinking on NOT “over-typing” posts
Too many folks are using PTD as a crutch from the start which was absolutely not the intention
As in, too many post types?
I can see that
Posts in general should NOT have explicit post types
We know those kinds of systems are fundamentally broken and eventually fall apart or stop scaling or present worse and worse UX
It helps in archive generation, but probably not otherwise
However, the problem is that such typing and hierarchies have strong appeal to programmers so they architect like that instead of doing the harder up front work of thinking and experimenting with better UX
It has nothing to do with archive generation
That’s also a misconception
Eg all “photo” posts vs all posts with a photo property
These are implementation details, not the way to do UX
[tantek]: So, what do you want to do on your own site?
I have gradually changed my storage to be more microformats based although WordPress makes that interesting
[tb] joined the channel
And I do derive markup in the background a lot
[tantek]: I got sidetracked into Url shortening while trying to update my user page
for my own site, /Falcon#Working_On is the latest way to answer that question
in general I'm trying to not introduce more types
I think I will reread it...it needs in depth attention to get benefit from
Good luck GWG, even I have trouble re-reading my own writing
Clearly I need to update my list
[fluffy] joined the channel