#wordpress 2020-08-24

2020-08-24 UTC
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Do you do any custom kind view templates?
GWG I think it's annotations, chickens and mauve one or two others at the moment
Though a mauve kind would be quirky...
[chrisaldrich]: I am looking at tweaking the way it works, might break something
Itches and acquisitions too?
[chrisaldrich]: WP5.5 added an $args parameter to get_template_part(). get_kind_view() is based on it, so I might match it
Oclair, beko, [manton], [tw2113], [fluffy], [chrisaldrich], mattl, jeremy, jeremy-, [tantek], [Murray], [James_Gallaghe], nickodd, [eddie], [Rose], [schmarty], drkokandy, [KevinMarks], justache, Zegnat, aaronpk, globbot, IWSlackGateway, sebsel, Ruxton, shrysr, Kaja, wagle, GWG, petermolnar, pauho[m], enpo, sknebel, ben_thatmustbeme, dopplergange, RobertWinter[m], [snarfed], [tb], skyfaller, [jgmac1106], [jacky] and [Emma_Humphries] joined the channel; nickodd and skyfaller left the channel