#wordpress 2020-08-31

2020-08-31 UTC
cambridgeport90, [tw2113], beko, [chrisaldrich], nickodd, [jeremycherfas], jeremy, jeremy-, [James_Gallaghe], fuzzbomb, [grantcodes], [Murray], [tb], [tantek], [jgmac1106], Zegnat, [fluffy], [manton], [schmarty], [snarfed] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
hey y'all, could someone here help out with adding a specific "How to" subsection on indieweb.org/WordPress.com linking directly to the instructions for setting up a custom domain for a wp .com site? every other similar service (github, blogger, tumbler) has a section for that specifically, and it helps make it more discoverable, friendlier.
[chrisaldrich]: When you use Post Kinds to post a photo, audio, or video...how do you do it?
Those are some of the ones I use least, so it's almost always manual by filling in the meta box data and publishing.
Audio may be slightly different so I have more control over presentation, let me check what I did last time.
[chrisaldrich]: I've been working on deduplicating the meta box data with the content data
I also have the KSES workaround to give me more control over presentation too....
[chrisaldrich]: I
I'm hoping to improve the experience a bit
I am a bit aggressive in some areas and less aggressive elsewhere
So it's a big fix
We're way overdue for a podcast episode btw....
[chrisaldrich]: Name a date/time
For photos recently, I've been only filling in the Post Kind Name field to give it a "title" and then manually inserting the actual photo in the_body.
[chrisaldrich]: Yes, I redid that code. Every time you save the post in the new version I'm still working on, it calculates the attachment IDs of the attachments in content and saves them as a list in meta so it doesn't have to parse each time
I'm not sure what a photo micropub client would do as I haven't used one recently... I know Swarm does alright, but because I'm still using the older version of Post Kinds, it does duplicate the photo (which I think you fixed in one of the newer versions).
Then, when it tries to display, it compares the attached medias to the embedded media and doesn't embed twice
I'm redoing that whole section now
For audio posts I'm manually entering the meta boxes for Name, Site Name/Publication/Album, and author and then putting the actual audio and other bits in manually with html to have more direct control over presentation.
I realized I was doing a lot of checks on the fly that only needed to be done when the post was edited and then cached
I was thinking of doing the same for youtube embeds and a few other things
I did it for audio and video
Question, if I were to put in a URL for a photo on a photo kind, would it properly go in the main URL field or in the Featured Image field for presentation?
I mentioned this was the code I wrote in October 2017 that I need to completely redo as it is too aggressive
YouTube doing a simple auto embed was one of the reasons I skirted the KSES stuff, so I could add the extra metadata for the additional context of the title, description, author, etc. I always thought the extra context was better to have over just a raw video.
It's why I was thinking about the local avatar store issue in Webmentions.
WordPress caches the oembed code so it doesn't have to ask for it every time
I figured why not do the same
So, I was thinking of a hybrid Youtube model where I do show the embeded video but show my own context
I can't do that for Twitter so easily anymore without API access, but still can for Youtube
Mostly I'm working on photos, not other media, but I realized I can largely use the same code
This is also the same way enclosures work in WordPress
[tw2113], [tb], [chrisaldrich], [Ana_Rodrigues] and [snarfed] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
created /2020/Pop-ups/IndieWeb_Friendly_WordPress_Themes (+4638) "moving details from 2020/Pop-up/Sessions planning"
(view diff)
[jgarber] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel