#wordpress 2020-10-02

2020-10-02 UTC
zerotex, nickodd, [Emma_Humphries], [schmarty], [fluffy], [tantek] and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
nice, post-kinds 3.4.4 :)
GWG has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (140 in all channels)
[Ana_Rodrigues] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
Still running 3.3.3 - Because my template depends on it, I fear every update of this plugin -.-
I feel the need to erase all dependencies.
I've backups and can rollback but I understand that feeling :)
[Khurt] joined the channel
Updated to Post-kinds 3.4.4 . 👍
[chrisbergr]: Am I breaking the experience that much for people?
!tell GWG Reading your mf2 piece again, in your function to add p-summary, you check for the presence of $excerpt; does this check only fo the case of a manual excerpt, or does it also check for things before `more`?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Manual one
Would there be a way to include a generated summary?
Yes, does your theme always have one displayed?
Not always, no.
The code I posted should work for generated summaries if added to a theme
OK, I'll note that. Thanks.
My example doesn't include checking for manual excerpts, which I do in my theme, just looked
Hopefully I fixed everyone's problems with Post Kinds... clearly the new code needed more testing... although I think I need to go back and simplify it even more.
I don't really use post kinds on my WP sites so I can't help with testing.
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
David: You did broke my whole page once, I had to redo every spot where I display data from post kinds.
But I don't blame you!
It is my fault when my template depends on 3rd party code without fallbacks.
[chrisbergr]: I did replace MF2_Post, but it is still in the plugin for now
The replacement, Kind_Post is much less aggressive
I feel bad when I break something
As far as I remember, I copied your template files into my theme and adjusted them accordingly. Then you changed some functions in the Kind_View class and I had error messages everywhere. It wasn't that difficult to fix, I just wasn't prepared for it 🙂
My future plan is to make the output with my own functions and using the plugin only on the admin interface for data input.
Then my only dependency will be the name of the field in the db
â€ĶI made the rookie mistake to slap CSS on microformats so I'm also very afraid but that's my own fault :D
That's how we learn 🙂
[chrisbergr]: I decided that to avoid that in the future, I would add an args parameter so that the function signature wouldn't change
I added one to the view function based on the one now in Core as of 5.5
[chrisbergr]: If you ever have anything you want me to add/amend...I love feedback
You mean 'get_template_part' with args? That's great. I had not the time to use it yet, but this is the single improvement I'm exited about from the 5.5 release.
[chrisbergr]: I started the process of mirroring that in my function that works the same way. But I didn't want to change everything quickly. so I just added the args option.
Probably in the next version, I'll move move into the defaults there
Cool 🙂 Maybe you'll replace the include stuff with locate_template or load_template. So you can pass the args to the template
[chrisbergr]: Now that I can do arguments, I might. I just wanted to not mess anyone up, as I know people use the templates. And I've messed up others in the past
I essentially recreate the load_template functionality, and wouldn't mind not having to
There I also need to add the args parameter, but this doesn't seem like a big step.
Maybe you provide 2 functions. The current one (marked as deprecated) and the new one with the args. So you can serve all for some time.
My next project, if no one finds any more bugs, is a set of IndieAuth changes for IndieAuth 1.1, then I have three Webmention things. We are operating two branches of Webmentions.
[chrisbergr]: As long as I don't change the signature of the function, it should be fine.
[Murray], [James_Gallaghe], mattl, nickodd, [tantek], [schmarty], someone1, [snarfed], ScalaWilliam, [fluffy], [chrisbergr] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[chrisaldrich]: While you are here, if you don't upgrade Parse This, you don't get Twitter back.
I looked the other day when you mentioned it and didn't see the update pushed yet. Has it gone to the repo yet or should I just upgrade via github?
[chrisaldrich]: Parse This doesn't go to wordpress.org
It only goes there are part of Post Kinds or Yarns
But if you upgrade via Github, that version overrides the one in Post Kinds
It allows you to run a newer version of the library
[snarfed] joined the channel
I am parsing the tweet out of the oembed version of the URL
[tw2113] joined the channel
Apparently I should have looked closer... I'll update in a few minutes then!
[tantek], [Ana_Rodrigues], [fluffy] and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
I think now that I've read your conversation, I'm going to wait a bit before I update to the latest version. I'm using Autonomie for a theme, so ... not sure how that will affect stuff?