#wordpress 2020-10-04

2020-10-04 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
cambridgeport90 I've got something like this as a snippet in my functions.php file to fill in a default photo for the JetPack Related posts https://gist.github.com/chrisaldrich/d3b63ca50964328bd72b876a748866d2 It especially comes in handy for many of the bookmark-like Post Kinds which don't have details.
Hello, [chrisaldrich]
It would be useful if there were similar snippets to use post kinds data to fill in empty titles with the Post Kinds title (and type) (example: "Bookmark: Title of Article from Post Kinds Name meta") as well as the parsed "Featured Photo" from the Post Kinds meta. What might those look like GWG?
Evening GWG?
It would be easy, but the issue is it can't be marked up as p-name or else it will be parsed.
So, a little more logic
for dumping into sidebars and in footers I wouldn't mark those up at all as I wouldn't expect parsers to care about them as "tangential" data to the main page.
I do this in the Kind Post widget
in fact, I think on my site, I specifically moved the jetpack related posts out of main content are to keep it specifically hidden....
though it might be interesting if social readers could pick up some of that for making other recommendations.
I'm fiddling with IndieAuth right now
For lack of inclusion of the Post Kinds featured image in reply contexts, I've been using the https://wordpress.org/plugins/external-url-featured-image/ plugin and sometimes copying over the original post's featured image to display something in my theme. I figure when Post Kinds does it natively I can just turn off the plugin and have reasonable parity for display.
[Jhon Marreros Guzmán] Description This Plugin allows to use an external image as Featured Image, this can be especially useful if you house your images in another location. This Plugin is compatible with Nelio External Featured Image Metadata, so you can reuse your data ...
The reason why I never displayed it is because I couldn't figure out what it would look like
I suppose that I ought to figure out what the appropriate field name is and plug that into the jetpack gist so I get a custom image for those posts instead of my generic default.
Most posts do a 4x3 or 9x6 Twitter/Facebook compatible image, so you could start there as a default, though some sites like IMDb return a default small square avatar when nothing else exists, so you might get some janky results depending on the meta data a particular site returns.
GWG, did you ever figure out the Jetpack IndieAuth fix? Or were they making a change on their end that we're still waiting for?
[chrisaldrich]: No, they fixed it, and I added mitigation code
I should retest it on my site then...
I'm working on the next edition with support for IndieAuth 1.1
Getting this check right is hard.
[fluffy], [James_Gallaghe], nickodd, jeremych_, [mapkyca], [tb], [tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
This issue with mf2 is getting to me... keep ending up with errors. Going to have to do more rewriting.