#wordpress 2020-10-09
2020-10-09 UTC
[KevinMarks], [fluffy], [tw2113_Slack_], nickodd, [schmarty], zerotex, [capjamesg] and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# [Will_Monroe] Good morning, Indieweb. Do any of you use and would you recommend a plugin that allows writing WP posts in Markdown?
sp[m], [capjamesg], rick[m], [Murray], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks] and [Khurt] joined the channel
# [Khurt] WP already has a Markdown editor.
# [Khurt] Assuming you are using the block editor: https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/markdown-block/
[Ana_Rodrigues], justache and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] Bore da Pressors.
# [chrisaldrich] If you've got the time, there's WordCamp Austin streaming throughout the day: https://austin.wordcamp.org/2020/schedule/
[tw2113_Slack_], Sam11, [tantek], nickodd and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel
# [Will_Monroe] [Khurt] thank you for that tip! However, my WordPress site is on Reclaim Hosting and built-in Markdown Block is not available. As a result, my understanding is that I will need to use Jetpack. I am a not familiar with Jetpack and I feel like there have been frequent reports of issues in this channel. But perhaps that's the best approach.
[KevinMarks] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] Always interesting what features they provide to .com instead of .org users. Anyways. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-githuber-md/ looks like a really cool editor for WP. I dont have any experience with it but this one I'll definitely try out over the weekend.
# Loqi [Terry Lin] Description
An all-in-on WordPress Markdown Plugin provides a variety of features such as Markdown editor, live-preivew, image-paste, HTML-to-Markdown helper, and more..
Read detailed document, please visit https://github.com/terrylinooo/githuber-md...
# [chrisbergr] The markdown editor from the plugin mentioned above works like a charm in combination with Post Kinds 3.4.6 🙂
# [chrisbergr] On one of my many test pages, yes 🙂
[Khurt] joined the channel
# [Khurt] [Will_Monroe] I'm confused why hosting would change built-in WP features.
# [Khurt] You can also install Classic Editor from Automattic. https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/
# [Khurt] ↩️ How does hosting change the built-in WP features?
# [chrisbergr] @ David I never experienced any issues in the editor. Always worked as expected. But I only use it for replies, reposts, bookmarks and likes. For image, gallery, video, article, note I still use post formats
# [chrisbergr] [Khurt] This is not a built-in WP feature, it is a wp.com feature.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] Are there any good Micropub clients that do markdown for posting to WordPress? I know ia writer has some support for it but it was all iOS/Apple last time I looked...
[capjamesg] joined the channel
# [Khurt] [chrisbergr] Markdown is provided for *free* to all WordPress sites running Jetpack.
# [chrisbergr] Yes, but Jetpack is not part of core, so it is not built in.
# [Khurt] [chrisbergr] JetPack has a free tier. Not part of core. Neither is any other plugin. 😃
# [Khurt] [chrisbergr] I don't run too many plugins. They are the number one vector for hackers taking down WP websites. I trust the IndieWeb plugins, JetPack and very little else.
# [chrisbergr] [Khurt] I guess we are talking at cross purposes. You asked why hosting would change built-in WP features. This is not the case. [Will_Monroe] said he doesn't have Jetpack.
# [Will_Monroe] ↩️ [Khurt] I should have clarified that a bit better. The article you sent mentions that WordPress.com has the Markdown Block built in. But it seems that WordPress.org instances that are hosted outside of WordPress.com do not have that same capability. Having said that, I could have missed something so please correct me if I'm wrong.
# [Khurt] I understand [chrisbergr]. But JetPack (from Automattic) is free and installs a Markdown editor. Additional useful features.
# [chrisbergr] Jetpack is problematic in Europe and some managed wordpress hosting providers disallow Jetpack
# [chrisaldrich] Jetpack can be "heavy" for some who only need one or two features...
# [chrisaldrich] fortunately they're reasonably responsive when they cause conflicts....
# [chrisaldrich] didn't someone mention an opensource project on github in the last month or two that was Jetpack-like? did it have markdown support?
# [chrisbergr] I used it in the past only for the beautiful statistics and the comment features.
# [chrisbergr] way to heavy for that purposes, like [chrisaldrich] said.
# [Khurt] I'm want to understand what "too heavy" means.
# [chrisbergr] Lets say this plugin provides 20 features and I am using only 2. That means there are so many files, so many code I dont need. Every line of unused code is an avoidable vulnerability
# [chrisbergr] Same reason why you always should delete disabled plugins and themes...
# [Khurt] Speaking of JetPack and Post Kinds. Just got an update notification.
# [Khurt] I installed JetPack, Akismet, IndieWeb (Post Kinds, Webmentions, IndieAuth, Syndication Links), backup plugin, Classic Editor (because I detest blocks), and Health Check. Each one of those has a reason to be. JetPack keeps the site connected to WordPress [Reader](https://wordpress.com/read), and [Conversations](https://wordpress.com/read/conversations). When I removed JetPack it also removed the ability for WP.com users to leave comments
# [Khurt] without filling out form fields. Webmentions are great but only if everyone is using them. 😃 The goal is to make commenting on the website accessible to everyone.
nickodd left the channel
# [Will_Monroe] [chrisaldrich] iA Writer is very nice. I have a beta version for Windows 10 but it does not have support for WordPress posting just yet.
# [Will_Monroe] [chrisbergr] I'm trying WP Githuber MD with the latest Post Kinds update and it does seem to be working fine. Thank you!
# [Khurt] ↩️ @*willtmonroe The [JetPack](*https://jetpack.com/features/comparison/) *plugin by Automattic has a built in Markdown editor along with additional features that may be useful - d*owntime monitoring, blocks unwanted login attempts from malicious botnets and distributed attacks, automatic plug-in updates, multi-factor authentication, CDN (Content Delivery Network) to speed up image loading, Publicize for social media sharing, . Other
# [Khurt] the channel have suggested they had issues with performance. I have not. YMMV.
# [Will_Monroe] ↩️ Thank you [Khurt]! I appreciate your advice. I have also visited your website. I like what you have done there.
# [Khurt] ↩️ Thanks. It's a work in progress.
# [Khurt] @GWG
[Sue_Hanen] joined the channel
# [Sue_Hanen] I would like to save the links to articles that I have to my website. Where can I learn more about doing this?
# [Khurt] @gwg sorry, hit enter before I typed. Trust is earned. You've earned mine. 😃
# [Sue_Hanen] @GWG thanks, I’ll go in that direction.
# [Khurt] @gwg I actually read the change log for Post Kinds. what are the purposes for adding artist Name and Artist URL fields to the Image Media Metadata?
# [chrisbergr] I'd love to get a screenshot of the page I'm bookmarking automatically. Like Aaron does it on his website. I tried to add this to post kinds on my local environment but I failed badly...
# petermolnar if post kinds has a hook, one could call either an external snapshotting service or, say, chrome, to make a snapshot
# petermolnar as in google-chrome --headless --disable-gpu --window-size=1024,768 --screenshot [url] --screenshot=[filename].png
# petermolnar GWG, is there a suitable hook?
# [chrisbergr] I tried WordPress' mShots tool,.. but as I said, I failed.
# [chrisbergr] petermolnar: In theory, you can use the 'save_post' action hook at least.
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] There's always the possibility to provide options. Via admin settings page or with filters.