2020-12-25 UTC
# 00:22 [chrisaldrich] Parese This finds the context title... I want to pass that through. I think it's called name within Post Kinds.
# 00:23 [chrisaldrich] I'm just not sure what one would put in if it's in an array, which I think is how it looks like Post Kinds does it.
# 00:24 [chrisaldrich] the plugin also will apparently give access to custom taxonomies, but that's a paid feature and I'm not sure if it would work in that case either.
[KevinMarks], jeremycherfas, [tantek], bishop_bautista, gRegorLove, nickodd, [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], [Rose], [Zegnat] and [spieper] joined the channel
# 16:19 [spieper] [jeremycherfas] Those “faces” are showing in Safari for me but not in Firefox. Do you have anything that’s blocking social media trackers?
[tantek] and nickodd joined the channel
# 16:40 [spieper] I noticed that if you have “Strict” blocking turned on in Firefox the faces will be blocked. Switch to “Standard” and they show.
# 16:41 GWG That's probably why caching them locally makes sense
jamietanna, [snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [dmitshur], maxwelljoslyn and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# 20:06 Loqi [spieper] has 2 karma over the last year
[dmitshur] and Daniel joined the channel
# 21:37 GWG [chrisaldrich]: Have you found examples of all the things I did today, so you can reproduce them when you upgrade Post Kinds?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
# 22:27 GWG [chrisaldrich]: Found a refback bug. Need to go back for a 2.0.1
# 22:28 Loqi deduping has 1 karma over the last year
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel