[chrisaldrich]I always thought that tracking books wasn't logical as tracking pages read (or even words read), but the first is imminently easier to count.
[chrisaldrich]Michael, are you building all of your reading content into the Book Challenges interface? It looks like a custom post type set up, but that seems like a lot of UI real estate to give to something you might only post to once a year... but if all the entire chest of reading is hiding in there, it definitely makes more sense.
Loqi[Michael Beckwith] 2019 Challenge
Read books for 2019 Challenge:
The Frighteners
Goodbye 20th Century: A Biography of Sonic Youth
Briefing for a Descent Into Hell
The Hardcore Diaries
Talk Back
Pirate ...
Loqi[Michael Beckwith] 2020 Challenge
Read books for 2020 Challenge:
Back To The Future II
Back To The Future III
Kill Process
The Pyrates
The Bulletproof Diet: Lose up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Energy a...