[xavierroy]Having a strange issue with micropub. Posts work from Quill but not from Teacup or Micropublish. I get an Unable to verify the sign-in attempt (Teacup) and 400 received from token endpoint. Body: {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing one or more required parameters"} (Micropublish)
[KevinMarks], jamietanna and [Roy_Mosby] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
reedAnd magically, like that, indigenous started working for me again. Maybe Dreamhost changed something or some of the recent updates to WordPress/plugins
reednot bad after all ... I getting used to the quirks... Now that I have corrected the bookmarklets I can make better posts at least from the desktop. From mobile I can now reboot the experiments :)
reedon my personal site I have an issue with the theme, it's doing some funky escaping breaking the rss and also today I noticed it breaks the posts in indiegenous, too
reedthe biggest struggle I have now is not indieweb related 🙂 I'm trying to avoid having to manage tracking cookies authorization and I found out that way too many plugins want to plant all sorts of crap
reednot just analytics, that would be simple :) I realized of this problem when I started looking for ways to handle email newsletter, signup forms, popups etc... the most popular plugins are very invasive
reedDreamHost responded, indeed they moved my instance to a new system running on nginx cache (instead of varnish) and that may have fixed the auth issue