jeremycherfasNot strictly IndieWeb but there's a lot of expertise here. Anyone know how I can inject a specific identifying code into the feed blubrry generates for my podcast?
[KevinMarks], [Raphael_Luckom] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_]i don’t have immediate answers but I’m curious if they have any filters they could use or if they’re utilizing WP core’s feed templates, what filters would be available at that level
[chrisaldrich]I've never dug into their internals, but I suspect that blubrry may be just adding to/supplementing the standard feeds with additional data they're adding with the plugin
[chrisaldrich]reed there used to be a Medium made plugin for WordPress that used to do it. Now that that's broken, I don't use it very often. Medium also did have a per-post importer that would set the proper rel=alternate flag in the Medium copy so that your original post would be preferred by search engines.
reedchrisaldrich: looks a lot of the links are old, referring to API that seem to be deprecated... if that page is still valid I'll give it another look
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