2021-02-26 UTC
[snarfed] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 00:50 [arush]1 @GWG do I need to worry about adding a add_theme_support_postkinds similar to post formats, or no?
Taehl and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 04:19 GWG Ruxton: Can I prevail on you again?
[tantek] joined the channel
# 05:57 GWG Looking for a second look at this
# 06:04 GWG No rush, just just found a mistake I made in a different plugin
[KevinMarks], [Murray], mattl, [Rose], Danielstaleiny, [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 19:01 [tw2113_Slack_] it’s not much, but it’s honest work 😄
# 19:08 GWG [tw2113_Slack_]: What's new in your work?
# 19:12 [tw2113_Slack_] not a whole lot. i have blogrolls on the brain lately thus my patch above and the new plugin i need to release
# 19:12 GWG I have bug fixes and minor refactorings
# 19:13 GWG I found my new taxonomy had an overwrite issue I need to fix
# 19:14 [tw2113_Slack_] had a touch of client work this morning, but mostly it’s been all our internal contributor day
# 19:16 [tw2113_Slack_] it was a bit fun tracking down how WP Core does the install/activate links with nonces and everything
[tantek] joined the channel
# 19:30 GWG [tw2113_Slack_]: Ah, I don't nonce when I should
# 19:30 [tw2113_Slack_] aww yiss, my ticket got milestone’d for 5.8. I can smell my future props now
[KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [manton], [cleverdevil] and [arush] joined the channel
# 21:27 [arush] @GWG just trying to finish out the work day so I can play with more indieweb stuff. You?
# 21:50 GWG [arush]: I have fixed to bugs in my new location code to fix, found a timezone bug in the On This Day widget... namely that I wasn't setting one, have a rewrite issue to fix...etc
# 21:50 GWG Oh, and two Syndication Link bug reports to ingsstig
# 21:51 GWG I forgot to set a nonce in my location metadata save function so it was wiping the data when the term was refreshed outside of the edit screen
# 21:51 GWG Which is why merging wasn't working
# 21:52 GWG I am waiting on a review of an IndieAuth PR so I can implement optional expiring tokens
# 21:53 GWG Oh, and I need to wire in a new power strip
gRegorLove, scooter123 and [Murray] joined the channel