#wordpress 2021-03-12

2021-03-12 UTC
[snarfed], [jeremycherfas] and tracydurnell joined the channel
anyone else having trouble with the latest update of post kinds making their media files upload improperly?
when I upload an image it doesn't recognize that it should have a size property
and when I place an image in a post it automatically resizes it to 1px by 1px - the image seems to work correctly though if you manually remove the dimensions
and if I click on the image edit button in the post the properties window there also doesn't have a size property / drop-down
[tonz] joined the channel
Yes @tracydurnell I had that too. did not connect it to the postkinds plugin yet though.
Maybe obvious question, [dshanske], does post kinds store posts with the micorformats and lay-out in them, or does it parse them each time a post gets rendered to add them? IOW, if I switch off Postkinds for a bit, does it impact existing content?
[kiai] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
It renders it each time. I didn't touch any media code in the last version, could be some interaction with 5.7
I just got some bug reports I need to investigate this weekend
beko: Sorry about the inconvenience
[KevinMarks], [Murray], nickodd, [jgmac1106], [scojjac], [Forest_Johnson], [schmarty] and jamietanna joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
ok well i had a breakthrough, fixed my child theme so it was actually pointing to indieweb-publisher, and things started making more sense ... also realized the Reponse Properties box wasn't showing up consistently and have started working on making better use of that
Posted a link using the Bookmark kind today, and fixed up the CSS so it looks a tad better (to me, anyway)
Working with WP makes me feel like Shrek battling the dragon
Anything I can do?
Not right now, but I really appreciate the offer, thank you
gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel