#wordpress 2021-03-19

2021-03-19 UTC
Adding a new Tempus Fugit feature... This Week as opposed to this On This Day.
[chrisaldrich], [scojjac] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
!tell [jgmac1106] I haven't touched the webmention plugin for ages, but if the source of problem is duplication, maybe it's worth setting up a wp-cron that detects explicit duplicates, marks them as non-spam, and deletes them once successfully marked non-spam
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Rose], ramin, jamietanna, [scojjac], [schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] there's also some code you can use to auto accept webmentions (presuming you're not actually getting real spam by using them): https://indieweb.org/Wordpress_Webmention_Plugin#Automatically_approving
You probably new it was a possibility, but it might also be useful for newcomers who may not be aware.
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [Ana_Rodrigues], [jeremyfelt] and [jeremyfelt]1 joined the channel