jeremycherfasI have now installed the Velox theme on my local WP, with a view to resurrecting an old niche site that I have neglected for years, and I am completely befuddled by the block editor. I'm really not sure I want to learn how it works. But then again, is the classic editor going to be around forever?
[tw2113_Slack_]i doubt they want to keep it around forever, but at the same time they still have blogroll/links functionality in core 8 some years later
petermolnarit will not be around forever, no. The block editor has it's benefits for doing fancy pages; for writers... well, yes. It's not for writers.
[tw2113_Slack_]but as what will resinate in a lot of us, it’s leaving the idea of a blog behind and potentially pushing those people who still just want a blog, away from the platform
Oclair, [Murray] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes]I don't really get the hate, gutenberg has a lot of really nice features for writing simple blog posts that make it a lot more useful than the classic editor - especially for non technical folk.
[jeremycherfas]All I know is that the theme was displaying something I would have called a byline or author strap and there didn’t seem any obvious way to edit it.