#wordpress 2021-04-08

2021-04-08 UTC
[KevinMarks], j12t, mxd, [tw2113_Slack_], [jeremycherfas], [Murray], [snarfed], [scojjac] and [tantek] joined the channel
I found on old posts that the comments pulled from twitter don't look good and I don't understand why ... do you see something here that can cause the issue? https://maffulli.net/2012/10/12/the-sad-state-of-free-software-collaboration-tools/
[kimberlyhirsh] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
the problem may be that twitter doesn't keep old profile images, so when people change their photo, the old ones look bad
I was just talking about the long standing idea of storing a copy locally in the webmention plugin
ah, that could be the issue here
so Twitter changes the URL of the profile picture when it's updated?
https://twivatar.glitch.me/ these folks have solved it by building a workaround :)
GWG: either store images locally or, IMO better, put an empty placeholder when the old twtiter photo URL is 404
this keeps the code easier
another approach, if you get a 404, is to update the object like Twitter suggests? ```Outdated profile images
If a 403 or 404 error is returned when trying to access a profile image, refresh the user object using GET users/show to retrieve the most recent profile_image_url or profile_image_url_https. The URL may have changed, which happens for instance when the user updates their profile image.```
[schmarty] joined the channel
reed, we don't have code that reverifies, just the URL
tomlarkworthy, [Rose], [aciccarello], [tantek], [scojjac], [KevinMarks] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel