#wordpress 2021-04-11

2021-04-11 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] the worst part is where to find that data and how to keep it in a place that makes sense. GWG has some play examples on his site where he's got a page for each game with some information and the play posts which reference those pages. Maybe that makes some sense?
It's definitely worth more of it if you're reading lots of material from a particular author and use the data to cross link what you're reading in my opinion.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
kind of thinking if i do do something like this, instead of author being its own text field, it'd turn into either its own post type or a taxonomy.
[tw2113_Slack_]: That's where I ended up recently with location
taxonomy may be interesting, but also limiting if you want to add a full h-card with a photo, website, links to their books, mini-bio, etc. Goodreads has a pretty solid set of fields on their author pages. For me the more difficult part is, is it worth keeping a lot of that data on my website where I'm maybe less likely to maintain/update it?
term meta is your friend
I'd probably stick with just basic things like the wiki/personal site links
I probably feel more stressed out about all the data because I've got a massive personal library of a few thousand physical books and a digital library with over 4,000 titles. I'd like to own it all on my site, but I've got a lot of it in a Calibre database at present.
makes sense, i'm still below 300
correction, i'm at 301
books has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
just ordered https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781631493072 earlier
just got 30 linear feet of new bookshelf space this past week. 🙈
[chrisaldrich]: How?
sold old books?
donated to library?
house extension?
threw away old CDs?
I ought to spend some more time trying to sync my Calibre library with Goodreads before their API completely disappears. It would be useful if I could sync my calibre database with my website.
Sell books 🤣
at least i didn't crack the joke of "sell for profit"
I bought and put in two 7' bookshelves to have space for more books.
My parents are still sending me occasional boxes of books from my high school and college years.
I just lack physical space.
I'm trying to get rid of stuff as we speak
i got through your Micro Monday episode earlier today [chrisaldrich] you had a very technical education 🙂
IKEA wouldn't be bad if they weren't backordered (likely because of the pandemic)
One of the largest Ikeas in the world is 20 minutes away in Burbank, but they haven't had stock for ages.
"got through" 🤣 hopefully it wasn't too boring....
nah, nothing like that, i enjoyed it
you were more than ready for what micro.blog was bringing, and as i recall, you just wanted to support it even though you didn't technically "need" the service like others may
One day I hope to have a collection like my friend Dick Macksey, sadly I'm not acquiring at a fast enough pace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rvXUHI331k
Couldn't help but laugh when you hosted yourself for Jean "you forgot to ask me about how i found Micro.Blog"
to badly quote the moment
I had been listening to all the episodes since she'd started and it was the only question I knew I could plan on being asked. 🙂
i'm so far behind in too many podcasts
My listening habits died with my commute times last year. I need to take a "commute" walk two times a day just to catch up on listening.
need to = should try to
I'm behind on podcasts, cleaning, Indiewebbing...
you can tell when I've been in the car for more than 20 minutes lately... It's the only time I'm making any /listen posts
Maybe I should ask for a collection to hire a cleaning service
[scojjac] joined the channel
I could not resist looking up my Kickstarter backer number for micro.blog after listening to that episode
I’ve never been able to commit to a podcast for very long, but it’s always nice to get specific suggestions of episodes to listen to—and much easier to get through with Overcast’s smart speed
[tw2113_Slack_] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
A little bit of me just died.
lahacker, alex2, [Rose], [chrisaldrich], [kimberlyhirsh], [jeremycherfas], jamietanna and [scojjac] joined the channel
Sorry hope that wasn’t me [jeremycherfas]
[manton] and PauloPinto joined the channel
chrisaldrich: Dick Macksey, then man who introduced Derrida to America
[chrisaldrich] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[paulopinto], yes, he was fairly well known for that. I've met half a dozen people who were at that little conference and remember very well... Dick was a spectacular guy. I miss him a lot.
misses him a lot too
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
It’s ok [scojjac] I recovered quickly.
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel