#[Will_Monroe]Thank you [tw2113_Slack_]! This turned out to be easier than I realized after looking at an example a moment ago. I just needed to go to Appearance > Widgets > Text and enter the HTML provided at https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/#xe14a;/next after I authenticated. Works! Although I don't have the emoji from https://indieweb.org/indiewebring#WordPress.
#[tw2113_Slack_]i need to get myself added to that example list
#[Will_Monroe]I just did. Not totally sure I understand the purpose of the unique emoji (just fun?) but it was easy to add.
#[tw2113_Slack_]likely in part just to help show it’s more than just a standard link, it leads to something unique in 2021
#[Will_Monroe]Would you mind taking a look at mine? It's near the bottom of this page: https://willtmonroe.com/