#wordpress 2021-07-20

2021-07-20 UTC
jeremycherfas, wagle, Tomte, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [grantcodes], angelo, [snarfed] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
congrats [gRegorLove] for some WordPress 5.8 credits
Ah, the URI thing?
i’d have to check, i’m just reading the credits screen right now
[arush] joined the channel
Yes looking through the contributors list now. Congrats [gRegorLove]
[arush]: Hello
[arush] joined the channel
Hey @gwg
@gwg Jumped into WP team for a bit to see what was going on with this new Jaws update and Gutenberg. No dice so far. Trying to find out if the end-of-2021 cut-off date for classic editor support will be postponed since Jaws is most used screen reader and things are majorly broken with editor.