2021-07-25 UTC
# 00:01 GWG [arush]: So you are one of the 10
# 00:02 GWG I keep putting my time features in there
# 00:02 GWG As well as last night's week url pattern
# 00:02 [arush] @gwg yes. Should totally go leave a review. Need to reacquaint myself on how to do that on wporg.
# 00:03 [arush] @gwg OK switched the map provider to Yandex for now. Can you see if that fixes the map issue?
# 00:12 [arush] 2gwg and thanks for your help.
# 00:14 GWG Wrong image size 1950, 1350. Size must be in range: 0 < width <= 650, 0 < height <= 450
# 00:21 [arush] @gwg oK adjusting the slider for map width. Set it to 650.
# 00:24 [arush] @gwg Not sure how that got set to 1024 width, I never play with that slider or the aspect ratio combo box, mostly because I have no idea what aspect ratio even is or what it's for.
# 01:33 GWG I should do something about the Yandex maximum
[James_D], [jeremycherfas], [Rose], [snarfed], [Rose]1, [KevinMarks], [tantek], [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], [arush], Murray[d] and jamietanna joined the channel