#wordpress 2021-09-03
2021-09-03 UTC
maxwelljoslyn[d], [snarfed]1, jeremycherfas, Loqi, DavidWeekes[m], adi1, _Murray[d], _lahacker[d], rattroupe[d], kimberlyhirsh[d], petermolnar, wackycity[d] and [Matt_Maldre] joined the channel
# [Matt_Maldre] Hi, I’m new to IndieWeb. I’ve long heard [chrisaldrich] sing praises about it; and I love the concepts of IndieWeb. I have four Wordpress sites where I’ll will be installing IndieWeb. For now I selected one my lower traffic sites (57hits.com) to see how this works.
# [Matt_Maldre] My username on indieweb.org is now “*Www.57hits.com_author_mattmaldre*”. https://indieweb.org/User:Www.57hits.com_author_mattmaldre
# [Matt_Maldre] A few questions:
# [Matt_Maldre] I installed the “IndieWeb” plugin. Then I installed the “IndieAuth” plugin.
# [Matt_Maldre] 1. Is that a normal username? I’d imagine it should be something like mattmaldre.
# [Matt_Maldre] 2. Is it possible to change my username?
# [Matt_Maldre] 3. Since I have multiple websites, will I have four usernames? Or can I have just one username for all four sites?
# rattroupe[d] That’s one of my pet peeves with IndieAuth, I wrote a rant about it here: https://blog.reiterate.app/software/2021/08/26/thoughts-on-indieauth-profile-urls/
_kimberlyhirsh[d joined the channel
# [Matt_Maldre] I’ll give that a read now. Thank you.
# rattroupe[d] You’re not the first person to be confused by this. To answer your questions…
# rattroupe[d] 1. It’s normal for indieauth.
# rattroupe[d] 2. You can’t pick your username, but there’s a setting for the plug-in to let you just use the domain, IE, 57hits.com
# rattroupe[d] 3. You will have the domain of whatever site you use to login. But you’ll stay logged in with that site/id. So pick one and just don’t login from another
# rattroupe[d] I really need to write up my proposal to fix this for indieauth
# [Matt_Maldre] oh that’s cool!
# GWG With WordPress, only one user can represent the root url, everyone else is /author/username
# GWG WordPress could use a custom url, like /user/username, but...
# rattroupe[d] Well you motivated me to write up my proposal
# [Matt_Maldre] When I go to install IndieWeb on my other Wordpress sites, do I use the IndieAuth again to create a new user? Or do I somehow use the existing “*Www.57hits.com_author_mattmaldre*”?
# [Matt_Maldre] (and thank you for your help, it’s really nice!)
# [Matt_Maldre] Ahhh, so for now I’ll a unique user on each of my four sites?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [Matt_Maldre] ah, the username on the wiki is not central for the IndieWeb identity on my sites. I thought maybe the IndieWeb wiki was some sort of central location that connects the pieces together.
westie[d] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] oddly I don't spend much time thinking about the representation of my identity on the wiki in particular... it's my name in chat that seems to be the bigger piece in my experience.
# [chrisaldrich] Do they support IndieAuth if one wanted to sign in with it?! Or you're saying we'd need a business plan to be able to build the integration into it and do all that extra work and _*then*_ we'd be able to sign in that way?
# [chrisaldrich] Maybe we (and by we, I selfishly and rudely mean anyone but me 😁) could offer helping them add IndieAuth natively? Adoption by Slack could be some interesting awesomeness...
# [chrisaldrich] backs away rapidly....
[benatwork] joined the channel