#[jeremycherfas]This is an interesting discovery that gives me renewed hope. After bashing my brains out against convoluted logic and the oddities of WP templates, which I am sure make perfect sense to their developers, I have discovered the Timber plugin and theme.
#[jeremycherfas]They should allow me to use Twig to build templates that are separate from the PHP queries to fill them.
#[jeremycherfas]There are also some good tutorials for integrating Tailwindcss into WP theme development.
#[jeremycherfas]All of which makes me think I might start again from nothing. At least then if I cannot follow the logic in the future, I will know where the problem originated.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
#[grantcodes][jeremycherfas] I'm a big fan of timber for wp theme development, but it's like a lot of other things you'll do better with it if you have a better knowledge of the underlying tech (eg WordPress).
#[grantcodes]Although the updated `get_template_part` function lets you pass data into templates really easily which can help make themes wayyy cleaner, but not sure many themes use that yet.
[jacky] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[jeremycherfas]My understanding of WP tech is a bit out of date, but I hope sufficient. For myself, I don’t need a highly customisable theme, because I will be customizing it from the ground up.