#wordpress 2021-09-21

2021-09-21 UTC
[snarfed]1, [fluffy]1, jamietanna3, IWSlackGateway, [tw2113_Slack_]1 and chee joined the channel
Is it it two or three implementation that make a Micropub extension stable? If so, do we have anyone else doing mp-destination? https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Destination
This is an interesting discovery that gives me renewed hope. After bashing my brains out against convoluted logic and the oddities of WP templates, which I am sure make perfect sense to their developers, I have discovered the Timber plugin and theme.
They should allow me to use Twig to build templates that are separate from the PHP queries to fill them.
There are also some good tutorials for integrating Tailwindcss into WP theme development.
All of which makes me think I might start again from nothing. At least then if I cannot follow the logic in the future, I will know where the problem originated.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] I'm a big fan of timber for wp theme development, but it's like a lot of other things you'll do better with it if you have a better knowledge of the underlying tech (eg WordPress).
Although the updated `get_template_part` function lets you pass data into templates really easily which can help make themes wayyy cleaner, but not sure many themes use that yet.
[jacky] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
My understanding of WP tech is a bit out of date, but I hope sufficient. For myself, I don’t need a highly customisable theme, because I will be customizing it from the ground up.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel