#wordpress 2021-11-26

2021-11-26 UTC
elusive-airway7[, jamietanna1, [snarfed], [KevinMarks]1, wagle_, P1000[d], justache, barryf[d], [jacky], [Sean], sayanarijit[d] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm trying to get the Indigenous app working via WordPress, but am not sure if I'm doing something wrong / missing a step / maybe I need to do something more in WordPress to make it work
I installed the Yarns plugin and subscribed to a couple things to test
once I also installed Aperture I could see the feeds on Monocle
but still nothing on Indigenous
tracydurnell[d]: I have been rewriting Yarns completely on and off as it is a bit in need of optimization