balupton[d], cygnoir[d], jamietanna, [tantek], [schmarty]1, GWG and jsbach joined the channel
#jsbachHi, is it possible to make a sticky-header with simple Elementor plugin(no pro). I managed to make a sticky-header on top. But contents of my pages overlap with the header.
[tonz] joined the channel
#[tonz]↩️ [chrisaldrich] the Jan Boddez mentioned in the post has been building his entire set-up from scratch (micro pub / sub etc), and as part of that is also looking at post kinds. He’s looking to integrate everything in the post (much as I now do with). He also I think released some of the stuff he wrote, but imo not building a post-kinds alternative, despite the title for Frank’s post.
capjamesg[d], Seb[d], kimberlyhirsh[d], [fluffy] and marksuth[d] joined the channel