BillbennettnzI spent a large part of the day attempting to install Jekyll on my Mac and, just like Linux days, kept running into overlapping dependencies and inconsistencies.... this really isn't something non-developers should attempt.
jsbach, MarkJR84[d], fef and [Zegnat] joined the channel
[Zegnat]Good thing you pinged me on Slack, [Joe_Crawford], as it seems like your message never made it to IRC. The containers all start without complaint, yes. For me the port works and I can reach the WordPress container at localhost. The problem is that WordPress itself is throwing an error instead of taking me to the WordPress install page 😞
angelo, fef, jsbach_ and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford][Zegnat] are you rolling your own Docker/WordPress thing or are you following documentation? If you are following something please share it and I can take a look. I know that VirtualBox and latest macOS had some peculiar changes that break some scenarios but I can’t tell if that’s the issue.
ZegnatI am following like 10 articles all halfway, because I have not found anything from the last month which means all of them are out of date, hahaha
ZegnatBut this is both the official Wordpress and the official MariaDB image, and nothing else being added, so I am not sure what there is to follow either?
ZegnatI have not had time yet, but probably tomorrow I will test triggering the installation with the wp-cli and see if that magically fixes it (which I think it will, from my WP code spelunking)
BillbennettnzKevinMarks. That could be the way to go. Apart from anything else, it's worrying, I tend to keep everything up to date, but Jekyll requires an old version of Ruby (for example) which makes all the version cross referencing tricky as...
Zegnat[Joe_Crawford]: if you still wanted to see some documentation, apart from some very small tweaks my docker-compose.yml is almost exactly the one from the docker docs: ... guess I need to test that one and try to figure out if there are any actual differences.