#wordpress 2022-01-18

2022-01-18 UTC
solo, angelo, ben_thatmustbeme, fef, wagle, jsbach, IWSlackGateway, kimberlyhirsh[d], Christian_Olivie, [schmarty], [snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_], [aciccarello] and [philbowell] joined the channel
Hi all, does anyone know if the WordPress IndieWeb plugins work with ClassicPress?
[philbowell]: They should...but some filters and other post 4.9 enhancements might not be ported to ClassicPress. That is something if you advise we'll address if we can
I should test them all
I should definitely file some issues to port a few of them over
Great, Iā€™m aiming to have a play with ClassicPress this weekend
[philbowell]: Each plugin has a GitHub repo and we fix critical things quickly.
Would love to hear how it works out
Gotcha and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[philbowell] if you see problems you might also dig up older copies of the plugins contemporaneous with the split which should work too.
I'd rather fix them, [chrisaldrich]
Fixing them is good too, but for getting something working quickly and then forwarding to the breaking changes may help narrow down the issues.
Maybe I'll download a test copy of ClassicPress...it has been a while
jsbach and [fluffy] joined the channel