#wordpress 2022-01-20

2022-01-20 UTC
fef, jsbach, balupton[d], nickdickinson[m], Sib and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
Morning people on the east cost... around 08:00 here.
reed1, doubleloop[m], Lohn and mambang[m] joined the channel
I haven't been up here in a bit... sorry about that. Other projects and burnout at work has been taking up all my time and energy these past few months.
chmet78 joined the channel
hi, life happens as they say. I’ve been away from here for months on end as well, when household logistics, work and ‘the situation’ conspire to make it so.
jsbach, [tw2113_Slack_] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Life, don't talk to me about life...here I am, brain the size of a planet....
Sorry... Douglas Adams reference
darn it, i forgot my towel
fef joined the channel
But while I've been gone, I have bene thinkingg about ways we could improve some of our paticulars... for instance, whether this would be micropub or WP itself, but how to convert, say, RSS feeds from Trakt.tv into watched posts automatically... and the same with books... using the read post kind to track statuses and what not. Haven't figured out how to do or implement these yet. Wasnt sure if anyone is working on it or
I started writing a personal micropub client and ran into an oddity where <svg> would not be accepted by the endpoint. I rewrote the request to JSON and then it does work. Doesn’t explain the oddity, but does solve my issue. Now with the basics in place, I can start on turning it into a personal tool. https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/01/personal-micropub-client-now-works-with-json/
kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
is there a way to tell the WordPress Micropub plugin to create a page instead of a post?
[tonz]: Under consideration at the Micropub spec level
ok, thanks
Christian_Olivie joined the channel
cambridgeport90 I'd like to see this happen and it would be nice to have a service that could bridge RSS, Atom, etc. as a Micropub client. I've outlined it here: https://boffosocko.com/2021/12/15/indieweb-as-a-service-iaas-idea-pesos-from-all-the-silos-with-feeds-using-micropub/
Sadly, RSS doesn't include tags/categories and some of the other useful meta data to make posts even richer (depending on the data available from the silo)., so RSS to Micropub isn't the nirvana one might hope it to be from the perspective of data fidelity. (And this is why it would be more valuable for silo services to support micropub directly.)
i do wonder if that’s filterable
[schmarty] and sarahd[d] joined the channel