angelo_, angelo, JoelSQ_, robo, [aciccarello]1, [Zeina]1, cygnoir[d], ben_thatmustbeme, JoelSQ, [tonz]1, [schmarty]1 and [Zeina] joined the channel
#[metbril]I've set up a completely new Wordpress install with my new host and are experiencing no issues with bridgy publishing at all. That rules out bridgy and the plugin. So I'm pretty sure it has to do with moving the database from the sql level. Next step will be to create my site from scratch and use the WordPress importer. Lots more work, but I need this to be fixed. Unless there's an option to clean up some tables.
fef, robo, [Zeina], jsbach, [James_Van_Dyne], jacky, Guest6, hans63us[d], angelo, Seb[d], P1000[d], [Joe_Crawford], JoelSQ and JoelSQ_ joined the channel
#[metbril]How would be able to pull from that?
#GWG[metbril]: The json feed is generated by you clicking the syndicate option for and setting to only pull from that hidden feed
#GWGIf you want everything to go to, you'd add /feed/json to
#[metbril]I'll give this some thought: selected posts or the whole stream.
#GWG[metbril]: You can also do the same thing by giving a category or tag feed
#GWGI just used a hidden feed, then send the command to to refresh, then ask for the link
#[metbril]The advantage would then be that there's a syndication link (back to my site) as opposed to only feeding, I suppose.
#[metbril]back to my site = a link on my site to the copy at
#GWG[metbril]: There are other ways to do that, but yes