#wordpress 2022-05-13
2022-05-13 UTC
# [chrisaldrich] yes, you're right... I thought it was in syndication links though maybe it moved. I've not looked in a while and you've added so many since the early days that I rarely get the world icon unless it's an extreme edge case.
# [chrisaldrich] I remember ages ago adding some in manually.... thanks for your excessive coverage of cases GWG++
# [chrisaldrich] which repo?
# [Chris_Lott] I’m happy to but suspect Chris can more accurately describe what the issue actually is than I can! And I echo his thanks for your work on the plugin(s) and support here.
# [Chris_Lott] GWG++
# [Chris_Lott] chrisaldrich++
# [chrisaldrich] [Chris_Lott] if you've got a GitHub account, feel free to file it here https://github.com/dshanske/syndication-links/issues, even a link to the chat may be enough of a reminder (https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress/2022-05-12#t1652396467827100), then when it's fixed, you'll get a notification and can update/know it's been fixed.
# [chrisaldrich] For bonus round points you can post the issue to your own site and use Brid.gy to syndicate it to Github. Post Kinds does have an "Issue" post kind for doing just this. 🙂
# [Chris_Lott] I’m adding it now. I’ll test submitting via brid.gy on one of my repositories before I drive another owner crazy 🙂
[sebsel] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] GWG and I haven't done one in a while, but would it be useful to do another small IndieWeb WordPress crash course/install fest/pop up for a few hours on a weekend? Would that be of interest to anyone? [Chris_Lott]? Anyone else?
# [chrisaldrich] I'll put some details/dates together for a month or so out and we'll see what kind of interest we can drum up.
# [chrisaldrich] [Will_Monroe] It may be a bit before I can spin up a site for testing out Slippy, but I'm suspecting the primary outward facing difference would be the public nature of such posts. Then there's also the UI set up of how to easily get data in, how easy/fun is it to use. A lot of these problems haven't been worked on heavily for public-facing zettelkasten. Personally I've got a reasonable set up for having data flow into my
# [chrisaldrich] private Obsidian vault and I'd worry about that aspect the most. These require one to put in some work, so an easy-to-use UI is paramount.
# [chrisaldrich] I think I'd pay someone to build a micropub client that could use the public Hypothes.is API to post (PESOS) content from their UI into any website.
# [tw2113_Slack_] sup
# [Chris_Lott] [chrisaldrich] I’m definitely interested
jsbach, jamietanna and [Murray] joined the channel
# [Will_Monroe] [chrisaldrich]
# [Will_Monroe] That makes two of us. I'm able to use the custom Post Kind I created (using your helpful post on a "chicken" custom Post Kind). But I'd love something a bit smoother.
# [Will_Monroe] >I think I'd pay someone to build a micropub client that could use the public Hypothes.is API to post (PESOS) content from their UI into any website.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [Chris_Lott] ^^^^^ YES
# [tw2113_Slack_] breaks out the palm greasing kit
# [Will_Monroe] [dshanske] I'm not sure that I'm the best one to try and construct this argument. But I want this badly enough that I'll share this: There has been some interesting news about annotations becoming a web standard in the last month. And the folks at Hypothes.is have been closely involved with this effort. I'm not really aware of other annotation tools that are used as widely. And for those reasons, it might make sense
# [Will_Monroe] Others will undoubtedly have a better grasp of the relevance of the standard and opportunities created by the Hypothes.is API. But I would certainly be grateful for this capability.
# [Will_Monroe] to have an "Annotation" Post Kind that allows for users to post some/all of their Hypothes.is annotations to their WordPress sites.
# [KevinMarks] It's 8 years now
[jgarber] joined the channel
# Loqi Hypothes.is is a centralized service and open-source project for annotation and highlights on the web https://indieweb.org/Hypothes.is
# [chrisaldrich] [Will_Monroe] While the annotation spec that is used by Hypothes.is seems like a standard, in practice there is only one implentation of that standard by one group. It is open source and others can use it, but without different companies, groups, individuals implementing that standard in an interoperable way with various code bases, it really isn't much of a standard in actual practice.
# [chrisaldrich] Standard or not, as open source software with an API and a wonderful UI, it does make for a nice solid base upon which to use for IndieWeb tooling.
# [chrisaldrich] Since there are at least three of us interested in displaying annotations on our sites, perhaps it's worth adding some of the infrastructure for it officially GWG? I'm curious what [Chris_Lott] and [Will_Monroe] might like to add to or remove from the display of my examples https://boffosocko.com/kind/annotation/ ? If we can hone in on a broadly acceptable format and potential markup which a micropub client can latch
# [chrisaldrich] onto, then we can create a "vanilla" version for Post Kinds to use. Then folks can use the customization of the templates to add their own flourishes. Thoughts?
# [chrisaldrich] Broadly what I'm doing isn't much different from many of the other types. (Slightly different markup that could be reviewed and adjusted, and highlighting the annotated target text are the two that come immediately to mind.)
# [chrisaldrich] I'll look at my markup and see if there's room for improvement. I haven't looked at it in a while. (This is also good motivation for me to finally upgrade Post Kinds...)
# [chrisaldrich] here's a current parsed example https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fboffosocko.com%2F2021%2F12%2F02%2F55798984%2F
# [chrisaldrich] Not the easiest to look at on mobile, but it looks like I've got it marked up with three different set ups: `annotation-of`, `u-in-reply-to`, and `bookmark-of`, which I think I did in hopes that those who don't support one or more will still find some sort of content. I'm not sure how one might do subsidiary mark ups. I know that some who don't have support for `read-of` for example will default back to `bookmark-of`. I
# [chrisaldrich] suspect this is built into the post type discovery algorithm, but I'm not sure what would be most appropriate for this particular case.
# [Will_Monroe] Sorry [KevinMarks] you are correct 🙃 The blog post was from last month. Should have scrutinized that block post more carefully before I wrote there.
# [Will_Monroe] [chrisaldrich] I like what you proposed. And this is exciting! I teach and have been using Hypothesis with my students. Excited to incorporate this into my website. Also, since your site has been the model for how I integrated Hypothesis annotations to begin with, I expect it will be very similar. I'll take a look and be back with something in the next couple of days.