#wordpress 2022-06-09

2022-06-09 UTC
jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[dshanske] indieweb-post-kinds: adds support for responding to and interacting with other sites using the standards developed by the Indieweb Community
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[Scott_Jack]: Sorry, I forgot to elaborate on this. Got distracted with HWC and such
[Scott_Jack]: You create a folder in your theme called kind_views, copy the file from the views directory of the plugin, and mod it
fef and jacky joined the channel
Thanks, I looked over those before but I think where I got hung up was that there's not a kind-reply.php from what I saw. I guess I could make one but wasn't sure whether just calling it that would be sufficient.
Hope you enjoyed HWC!
Calling it that would work
fef, jsbach, [calumryan], marksuth, jacky, [manton], thesheps and angelo joined the channel