#wordpress 2022-06-12

2022-06-12 UTC
indierodo, jacky, V1, petermolnar and adamhorne joined the channel
edited /Getting_Started_on_WordPress (+0) "/* WordPress out of the Box */"
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[snarfed] joined the channel
hey GWG, I tried using the Synd Links plugin to POSSE via Bridgy just now, and it's looking promising!...but I may have hit a bug. I unchecked the Syndicate To: Twitter via Bridgy checkbox, then published, and it triggered Bridgy Publish anyway. maybe because it adds the brid.gy synd link, and then the Webmentions plugin sends a wm to it?
Unchecked? There's no option to check it by default.
Just making sure I'm not confused.
So, when you loaded the post, you checked it, then unchecked it? Or it was not checked, and it published anyway?
oh, it was unchecked
I also notice there are two u-syndication links to bridgy, one in .entry-meta > .entry-date and one in .entry-content > .syndication-links . not sure if that's expected, ok if so
I've never seen that. I post with it all the time. Strange.
The two links might be caused if somehow, the theme is adding the syndication links and so is the plugin
I did check the box and then uncheck it before publishing. probably unrelated, but still
You did some custom code, didn't you?
Maybe unexpected interaction
ah yeah that's my theme
oh, that's probably why then, synd links may prevent the wm to its own synd link, but not the one to the link injected by my theme?
So, the plugin adds it, and to custom place it, you'd have to remove it from the_content filter
If I changed anything since the last time you looked, it could have double-posted
Either way, I have to dissect that code anyway, as I wanted to add a few options to debug
my concern is more, if the checkbox is unchecked, I don't want it trigger Bridgy Publish at all
if I remove synd links's synd link and keep my own, I assume the wm plugin will always trigger Bridgy Publish then, even if the checkbox is unchecked. right?
[snarfed]: I agree 100%.
It shouldn't, because the sending of the webmention to Brid.gy is done by Syndication Links based on the checkbox...
But let me refamiliarize myself with how I configured it, as my memory might be off
My theme custom places the links also, and I don't have this problem
Can you post the custom code so I could compare?
yup, will do
I'll explore every option.
want me to file an issue?
[Ryan Barrett] Two powerful and opposing drives — the desire to enjoy the world and the urge to set the world straight. – E. B. White
[snarfed]: Did you unhook the filter though?
I'll go ahead and do that
I don't see it in the file.
that's my current functions.php, I haven't modified it based on this conversation yet
Yes, that might be the issue. Not unhooking the automatic function for non-supported themes
jacky joined the channel
ok! what's the filter to unhook?
I just linked to it in the readme
I just had an idea of giving it a specific hook, but I'll think about that in future
A filter that returns true unless changed
got it, thanks! sorry for not seeing that in the docs 😁
oh, also, when I previewed the post (in WP) before I published it, I got a 500. I turned on debug logging in WP and reloaded the preview, and it rendered fine. 🤷
Odd. Do the logs say anything?
I need to figure out how to better test the cron initiated stuff
nothing relevant in the logs, sadly
this preview was a user-facing request, not cron-initiated
jacky joined the channel
Two different thoughts, sorry
jacky, angelo, [aciccarello], jamietanna, jacky_ and Kaja_ joined the channel