#wordpress 2022-06-14

2022-06-14 UTC
[chrisaldrich], petermolnar, [tw2113_Slack_], IWDiscordGateway, jsbach and davidpeach joined the channel
hi there
hiii joined the channel
jacky, [KevinMarks], davidpeach, [prtksxna], Kaja, [snarfed], [Scott_Jack] and IWDiscordGateway joined the channel
created /IndieWeb_WordPress_Plugin (+38) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
(view diff)
jacky, Ruxton_, sknebel_, [pfefferle]1 and [arush] joined the channel
Hey @gwg I found a plugin conflict between Simple Location and the WordPress Hebrew Date plugins and am going to attempt to fix since I use both. Is that something that would be worth shipping as a contribution to the repo?
Yes, can you explain the conflict?
Sure. When Simple Location is not active, the Hebrew date is displayed along with the Gregorian date for posts, pages and comments. Once SL is active, the Hebrew date is missing.
Would it be helpful if I temporarily deactivate SL so you can see the difference?
jamietanna joined the channel
[arush]: Can I have the url of the plugin in question?
I need to see the code
[arush]: The sunset code in Simple Location was designed based on formulas for candle lighting times
Yeah hang on.
[Hatul] Description The plugin preview Hebrew date in date of post and date of comments. The hebrew date format able to change in options page of the plugin. Shortcode You can add the shortcode [today_hebdate] in posts or pages for show the hebrew date of ...
@gwg interesting I didn't know that re: the sunset code.
[arush]: I only ever mentioned it at IWC NYC on the create day
@gwg I've never looked at much of SL code except for some of the options pages display, so didn't even think that would be a possibility.
Also I had no idea Loqui would extract content from WP trac links so sorry about that.
Yes, this is bad code.
On their part
But I can address it
You only use it on the front page? Or you use it to replace every date with a Hebrew date?
The issue is that I filter the date/time at priority 12 to change the timezone. The Hebrew code filters it at priority 10.
So, I overwrite it.
Probably I could fix it by changing the timezone at priority 9.
But personally speaking, if I were returning something that was not compatible...like two dates...I'd do it at priority 99 so everything else would run before it
[arush]: Your use case is to display the Hebrew date side by side with the US date? In Hebrew or English only?
Display in English alongside Gregorian. English only, no Hebrew.
Sorry, Gregorian alongside Hebrew date in English.
For example, Tuesday 14 June 2022 (15 Sivan 5782)
Archives and single posts. Here for example: https://arush.io/2022/06/14/210836/ where the post date displays both dates should display, and here: https://arush.io/kind/drink/
Sorry I guess I made that clear as mud. Multitasking is bad.
I can put out a temporary fix for now
pmlnr joined the channel
I did a temp fix on my end until I can take a better look at the Hebrew date code. But thanks for digging into this and finding the problem.
[arush]: I will try to do a writeup. Makes me want to write my own
I had started work on my own but life got in the way and so I put it aside.
I should pick it up again.