#wordpress 2022-06-17

2022-06-17 UTC
jacky joined the channel
🤖 domo arigato
Is there a way to have your WordPress blog post to your Microblog, or vice versa? I don't mean adding a WordPress feed to your Microblog, but actually creating a post there (or either way). Is that a thing?
[hollie]: I have a way I set up to do it. But I had to create a custom feed.
jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[hollie] that ^ method can be found in the syndication links plugin i think
Thank you! I will look.
Essentially, you get a hidden feed that you can add posts to, and then add that to micro.blog
jsbach and davidpeach joined the channel
Finally back in the Indieweb thats to WordPress and the excellent plugins :)
My name is linking to an old domain tho hmm
Guest5068 and iamdavidpeach joined the channel
Thanks to chrisaldrich for reacting to my post. Now I know i set it up correctly :)
Does anybody know a way to send hashtags from website to twitter, via bridgy, when posting an image post, please?
Ideally I'd marry up the tags on the post to hashtags, but have tried to put in content, which doesnt get sent over it seems
[echo] and [arush] joined the channel
@gwg If possible I don't think we should break Classic Press. Going to look at the Hebrew Date code this weekend and see if I can come up with a better fix because it's got some other issues.
BTW I'm not sure if this is expected behavior, but I've found that when posting a repost via micropub, URLs aren't parced. Not sure which plugin that would have to do with but looking into it because I'm curious about why that's happening.
[arush]: I fixed it for you last night
@gwg Oh. Let me check for updates
OK downloaded the update.
I moved the hook to before his instead of after
Also did some other minor fixes
Yeah I saw something about queries?
I keep meaning to fork all the indieweb plugins and then read through all the code and make notes so I can then have a good grasp of what I'm doing when I make changes. That's a project I think I'll prioritize.
Fork all of them
jacky and [snarfed] joined the channel
[arush]: Bug fix in all my plugins....got feedback in here I was messing up the dynamic menus, so I adjusted all the filters to only work on the main query
jacky joined the channel
iamdavidpeach I'm not sure what you mean by "send hashtags." If your post has hashtags in its text, Bridgy will preserve them in the tweet it creates. otherwise, do you have an example of a Bridgy Publish attempt that didn't do what you expected?
jacky, [Murray], tinybronca[m] and vera joined the channel
snarfed - do you tag each post kind so that Ultimate Category Excluder works?
automatically, yes
How do I webmention something?
ok actually I installed that and then didn't get time to play around with it
Do i just linkt to it in my wordpress aricle?
damn I can't type lol
vera you said you installed the indieweb plugin
did you install the webmention plugin that it recommends?
i have all the plugins installed
i'll try the "press this" thing, looks interesting
vera yes, the webmention plugin will automatically send webmentions to all links
cool cool, thanks
So, link to something and everything will handle itself
snarfed its when using the post kinds plugin to send a photo post, the body doesn't seem to send the text of the body, only photos that I manually add the u-photo class to
example link?
(for a post)
Why we need #indieweb
looks like i need to make it so it auto categorizes but looks like it's working
(oh, iamdavidpeach left...)
imdavidpeach ah, ok. if your post has a title, Bridgy uses that as the tweet text, not the content. https://brid.gy/about#microformats
you can override that by removing the title, or with https://brid.gy/about#silo-content
jacky and vera_ joined the channel