#wordpress 2022-07-23

2022-07-23 UTC
petermolnar, jacky, angelo, [Jacob_Hall], RasAlGhoul, jsbach, irl25519, fef, [tantek] and irl25519_ joined the channel; yapka left the channel
Quick question about post kinds plugin: I saw that it is not compatible with Gutenberg, does that mean you can't use Gutenberg, or just that Gutenberg will only create articles?
irl25519 joined the channel
[Jacob_Hall]: The latter, I believe. Haven't tested in a while.
It isn't NOT compatible with Gutenberg...I just never wrote any code to make it compatible.
angelo and irl25519 joined the channel
When storing things in metadata, do people prefer storing individual properties separately, or storing an array of properties in a single meta key?
Was considering changing something
jsbach joined the channel
The simple truth is, if you request one key for a post, it caches all keys for that post, so no additional database queries anymore
[jeremyfelt] joined the channel
GWG: It's easier to perform meta queries when stored individually. I'll usually stick with that for future flexibility, even if I'm not planning on querying for it.
[KevinMarks], jacky and jsbach joined the channel