#wordpress 2022-09-26

2022-09-26 UTC
[jgmac1106], jsbach, [Murray], reed, underpantsgnome[, petermolnar, jacky, [aciccarello] and ludovicchabant joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
hey here -- I'm trying to add some microformats to a Wordpress blog and I can't figure out an easy way to add a `u-photo` class to pictures. Has anybody here done something like that?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
it likely in part depends on what functions you’re using to output photos
for example `the_post_thumbnail()` has parameters for custom classes
gRegor joined the channel
If you're using https://indieweb.org/Post_Kinds_Plugin, I think that might also handle adding the u-photo. I don't have experience using it though.
I expect you'll want something at the plugin/post editor level, though. Want to be careful not to add u-photo to _every_ photo, only if it's actually a /photo post