jacky, [dmitshur], fef, jsbach, [Jamie_Tanna], ludovicchabant, [campegg], [campegg]1, [Dinis_Correia], RasAlGhoul and [jeffpaul] joined the channel
#[jeffpaul]Is there a specific WP plugin that handles the rel-me functionality alone/primarily? I’ve fielded a couple different questions in the past week about the easiest way to set up rel-me integration for site users to allow for verification of Mastodon/etc. sites. I see that it’s part of the core IndieWeb plugin, but curious if there’s a smaller sub-component plugin that might limit the additional questions I get about set
#[jeffpaul]up broader IndieWeb components (not that I’m an opponent there, just trying to limit the additional support requests in the near term)?
#GWG[jeffpaul]: No, only because otherwise the Indieweb plugin doesn't do anything on its own.
#GWG[jeffpaul]: Why is someone looking for just rel-me?
#GWGAlso, I expect someone would rather have it in block form.
[Sam_Butler], jacky, [jeffpaul], [Zeina] and [jeffpaul]1 joined the channel