2022-11-15 UTC
ddd, Midder, [tw2113_Slack_], sandy, jsbach, Fokzo, [snarfed], [kimberlyhirsh], [Murray], paulrobertlloyd, [chrisaldrich], [campegg], a and [tonz] joined the channel
# 20:22 Loqi [edent] #1347 Filter the type of webmentions?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 20:25 Loqi [Matthias Pfefferle] 20 Jahre bloggen!
# 20:28 [pfefferle] Is something with the webhooks broken? I see only „incoming-webhook“ instead of some names in slack
# 20:39 GWG [pfefferle]: We should talk when you have time
# 21:05 GWG [pfefferle]: That's the chat I want to have
# 21:08 GWG I am excited to share it with the world
# 21:32 GWG [pfefferle]: That's why we're having so much trouble.
# 21:32 GWG [pfefferle]: Yes, and we need a migration plan, I think.
# 21:32 GWG [pfefferle]: The last PR for presentation, and the migration plan are the two blockers
# 21:33 GWG [pfefferle]: That's the PR you were going to review
[Zeina] joined the channel