#wordpress 2022-11-19

2022-11-19 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], [aciccarello], [timothy_chambe], [tw2113_Slack_], RasAlGhoul, [jeremycherfas], jamietanna, claudia1 and PyGirl joined the channel
I downgraded the php version to 7.4 as it was set to 8.1. Seems to now be resolved!
Dhalucario, PyGirl and [aaronpk] joined the channel
[pfefferle] i just installed the activitypub plugin in a wordpress site and I am not sure how it works. The plugin page could use a bit more explanation, for example what address does someone use to follow the site now?
figured out that following the author page works
[pfefferle] joined the channel
That is a tricky one!
I've wanted to solve that for backfeed for ages
Maybe this will be no longer a problem if the post-Metas are more unified
[pfefferle]: That was the plan
[iambismark] joined the channel
Is it tricky? Seems like we've known how for a long time, just need to implement in more places? https://indieweb.org/deduplication
Ah ok if it's tricky in the current WordPress plumbing specifically, sure
[jamietanna] and [manton] joined the channel