#wordpress 2022-12-16

2022-12-16 UTC
neceve, [jgarber], RasAlGhoul, [benatwork]1, [timothy_chambe], [jamietanna], jsbach, [jeremycherfas] and [Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
Hello [dshanske]! [snarfed] Suggested that I reach out to you to ask if you might be able to help me determine why some of my custom post types don’t publish through Brid.gy. I was testing BridgyFed and noticed that if I published with a cpt it didn’t publish. But then using the same content I used a regular post and it worked as expected and then the cpt published as well. All of this is to Mastodon. I have reverte
back to plain Brid.gy, but curious about custom post types. Also, do you have any instructions on what all of the Webmentions settings mean/do?
neceve joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore]: How are you telling Bridgy to publish? Using the Syndication Links check boxes
@gwg Well… In the beginning I think I had Brid.gy authenticated to Mastodon and those checkboxes worked. So then I tried Brid.gyFed and it published. But the custom post types would only publish if I then published a post post type. (Otherwise I am just using the Autopost Mastodon plugin.)
I'll have a look, I'm working on a Syndication Links update
neceve, RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_, gRegor and jsbach joined the channel