#wordpress 2022-12-23

2022-12-23 UTC
nedzadhrnjica, doug_c_im and fef joined the channel
Twitter << A plugin for putting one's Twitter archive on their [[WordPress]]-based website: https://github.com/shawnhooper/twitter-archive-to-wp
ok, I added "A plugin for putting one's Twitter archive on their [[WordPress]]-based website: https://github.com/shawnhooper/twitter-archive-to-wp" to the "See Also" section of /Twitter https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85305&oldid=85148
gRegor, doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[dshanske] what I wanted to say is, it does not depend on the plugins that are installed or enabled, but the semantics that are available
and if the blog has no MF2 or any other semantics, it might be good that XRAY can parse the ActivityPub/ActivityStreams version
nedzadhrnjica, jsbach, gRegor and doug_c_im joined the channel
Not sure how to determine that
[jamietanna], doug_c_im, nedzadhrnjica, nedzadhrnjica_, RasAlGhoul and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
GWG the new version of the synd links plugin is crashing on me and not working right, just fyi. want details here? or in an issue?
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[snarfed]2: Either or both is fine
I'll fix it this weekend.... I'm free.
[preview] [snarfed] #168 Crash on v4.4.1: Call to undefined function get_syndication_links_data()
I thought I removed all references to that function.
I unified all the signatures
doug_c_im joined the channel
I tested the Webmention provider... wonder how I missed it...oh.. I don't use Fed....
[snarfed]2: Any other feedback?
The function was replaced with get_post_syndication_data
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
Hello. I'm looking at indiewebify.me, Level 1, "Set up web sign in". It finds my rel=me URLs on my WP site, yay. After each URL it says "does not link back". So does this mean that I have the "rel=me" on my WP site, but I don't have a bi-directional link between my WP site and the site I'm trying to link to?
[arush] joined the channel
Yes, you'll need to link back to your website from the sites you're linking to with rel="me". On those sites, a plain link back to your website with no attributes will do, either in their URL field if they have it.
Or somewhere else in the profile.
I created my first block today! I had asked the instructor if it possible to create a block with all of the microformats applied where I had manually used groups (divs) and added classes. He said that was possibly possible and he might deliver a session where he develops it. In the meantime I told him that I would actually go through his tutorials which I was a little hesitant to do. This is the first one -
Thanks arush, but I do have my WP site url on those services. For instance c.im/@doug has my WP url in two spots. Does the url need to be wrapped in some html?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
arush - working now. Thank you.
..although I'm not sure WHY it is working now :)
doug_c_im joined the channel
You don't need to wrap in html no.
And glad to hear it's working for you.
doug_c_im joined the channel